Dare for Zane~Chan

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There won't be anything completely explicit, but there's going to be some leadup to sexual activity in this chapter. Read at your own risk.

Pandora: Wassup my bitches time for another dare

HoNeYdEw iS bEtTeR

sHuT tHe fUcK uP AmELiA



and we're back

Pandora: And guess what, it's directed to Zane~Chan! Who would have thought?

Zane: Ugh, please give us a break. We're a straight ship, how could you love us?

Pandora: Well, admittedly, it'd be even cuter if you were two gay guys-- OOOOH DARE IDEA

Jason: no

Pandora: no one cares about your opinion, edgelord

Zane: Just say the dare

Pandora: Okay geez. You're dared to do one hour in heaven.

Nana: ONE HOUR!?

Zane: That's ridiculous!

Vylad: Your face is ridiculous.

Zane: Well your mom is ridicu-- oh, wait

Garroth: No coming back from that one.

Zane: Whatever. Let's just get in the closet, Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan: Can do. Hey Pandora, can you soundproof it? It's a pretty thick door but you can still hear people in it when you put your ear up to it if you're a werewolf or meif'wa.

Pandora: Oh, hehe, of course.

Pandora "soundproofs" the door.

Kawaii~Chan, already in the closet: Alright Zane~Senpai let's go.

Zane gives a lustful smile before stepping into the closet with Kawaii~Chan, closing the door behind them.

Pandora: Oh yeah, I didn't really soundproof the door.

Jason: Lol ur an asshole

Pandora: I know

~Inside le closet~

Zane and Nana stood, the tight closet forcing them to only be about 6 inches from each other's faces.

"So..." Zane's mind raced as he tried to think of a way to make the environment less awkward.

"We've got an entire hour to be in here," Nana said with a sigh. "This is gonna be really boring."

Zane felt ashamed that Nana could ever think that when she was in one hour in heaven with him. He hid his emotions with a smirk.

"What?" Nana asked, her eyes full of penatrable innocence.

"Oh, nothing. It's just... well, you're acting like you aren't going to have fun for the next hour."

Zane scooted closer to Nana so his forehead was against hers and they were both facing the floor. Still, his electric blue eyes bore straight into hers with an alpha-like confidence.

Nana observed this confidence for a moment and began to realize something-- that wasn't confidence. It was a yearning. A wild animal, licking its chops. He was the predator, she was his prey.

She decided to play along.

"Well, am I going to have fun this hour?" she asked, still keeping up her innocent tone.

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