Truth for Aphmau

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Pandora: Alright this is the MEAT (lmao) first off Jason how you feel?

Jason: Well, talking hurts.

Pandora: Really? Say "how much wood would Chuck Wood chuck if Chuck Wood could chuck wood?"

Jason: Please... please no...

Pandora: Just kidding. You rest. Moving on to the truth... APHMAU, AARON, COME TO THE PODIUM!

Aaron: *whimpers* No need to be so loud.

Pandora: Hey, I'm a furry too, it's just as loud to me. You can deal.

Aphmau: Okay, what's the dare?

Pandora raises an eyebrow.

Aphmau: ...Or truth?

Pandora: That's better. Aph, if Aaron didn't exist, who would you romantically involve with.

Aphmau: Oh... um... this is a little embarrassing, especially in front of some other people in the room...

Pandora: I'm intrigued. Do tell.

Aphmau: I'd have to say... Zane...

Zane: W-what!?

Aphmau: I mean in season one we kinda had a lot of sexual tension. The majority of people were rooting for me to go with you. The only real reason I ended up with Aaron instead of you is because his voice actor is my voice actor's husband.

Pandora: Well a whole lotta that could be sinned but I'd have to agree. Even I shipped Zanemau until the second season. The only problem is what I was going for when I wrote this was relatability, but I now realize many people started watching Aphmau at the second season (fuck you if you did that) and can't relate to Zanemau.

Aaron: I can't believe you... Aph...

Nana: Zane...

Zane: It's not my decision I'm so attractive to women. Aph and I are just friends though.

Jason: Dora Dora Dora the Fed— I don't feel like talking anymore.

Pandora: Alright, here's where the real fun begins. Aaron, who would YOU choose as an s/o if Aphmau didn't exist?

Aaron: Uh... uhh... can I say nobody?

Dante: Yes—


Dante: Why am I a pedophile?

Pandora: You'll find out eventually. Anyway, Aaron, you have to choose a spouse. Now who is it?

Aaron: Hmm... I mean, there's not really anyone. I guess Kawaii~Chan... or ein hehehehe

Zane: What!? Aaron, you get right back here and say that to my face!

Aaron: Oh sorry Zane, thought you were already engaged to Aphmau.

Zane: WHAT

Pandora: *whispers to Jason* Did you ever notice that Zane basically hooked up with a real life anime girl?

Jason: Oh my god it's too perfect. The fedora and the waifu.

Pandora: Better make some tentacle hentai on that.

Aaron: PANDORA, HELP! I'm being chased by an emo nugget that runs five miles an hour!

Pandora: Suffer in your tears. *She high-fives Jason* Alrighty-dighty, that's the end of that. Thanks for reading, guys, and as always,

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