Chapter 66 - Hot Fuzz

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I seriously thought deviancy might be easier than being locked in, but knowing that boredom is a real thing...I take it back. I spend most of my day wandering about. Going from place to place. I really can't wait to start my job now.

I return back home before Nick does, and the moment he comes home, he just tells me the adventures of Nick and Gavin, as well as a lack of progress on the tattoo case. We ponder life over a nightcap...of hot chocolate, then go our separate ways to bed.

This becomes a bit pattern over the next week before New Years. I wake up, and Nick is already at work. If I'm lucky, Connor stops by...usually with flowers. At this point, my room is covered in flowers really. Then I go about and handle my business in the city, and return home. Nick eventually arrives back, tells me about his love life, and then we talk over a drink, before repeating the whole process again. Part of me wondered why I felt compelled to even go anywhere all day, but the other part feels fear. An incredibly silly fear that if I stay in one place too long, the CR400 will find me. Its only silly...because she already has, hasn't she?

Before I know it, it's January 2nd. The day when I start my position at Jericho. I hadn't slept the night before, so I simply got ready early that morning. I'm not leaving out before Nick, or even with him, but I am awake in enough time to see him. For the first time, I put on my uniform. I am glad Markus leads the deviants because damn does he have good fashion sense. A long-sleeved shirt with armored pads on the elbows, and a heavy kevlar vest built into it. The pants are high waisted and a deep black. Alike Connor, I have a utility belt. In it, I've put everything that Nick's given me, as well as attached the small badge from Jericho. Not to mention, fingerless gloves, and a bomber jacket, for accessories. What girl doesn't love accessories? It seemed a bit strange to head out in the freezing weather without a jacket on. I may be an android, but I don't need to make it obvious. I pulled on the bomber jacket, and even the fingerless gloves. 

I headed out of my room and saw Nick pouring food for Kyle. In just a few days, Kyle has already grown a bit. If I didn't know better, I would say it's because of how much Nick loves this dog. "Oh, look at you, hot stuff!" Nick encouraged. 

"Thanks, Nick," I said smirking. Nick, then gently pet his puppy's ears. I strolled over to Kyle, and sat on the floor next to him, gently petting him. Nick looked at me, and unlike usual...he was quite serious. Usually, Nick is never serious unless I prompt him, or if he is otherwise in a bad mood. Today, he seems quite cheery, so his sudden serious mood is surprising. 

"Listen, Charlotte. Just remember, you're a deviant now," Nick reminded me.

"Yes?" I answered. 

"I know I must sound silly, but you don't have any obligations to anyone, okay? You don't have to do anything you don't want to," Nick said softly. "Remember, you don't have to be a cop. Sure, for Connor, it's something that he loves. He couldn't imagine himself doing anything else, but you can, okay? You totally can."

I nodded. Nick smiled. "That totally went over your head. It's fine. You'll get it someday, bolts."

"Nick...good luck on the case today," I responded.

"As if we'll make any progress," Nick sighed. "Not going to lie...Gavin reads slower than me."

"Oh nooo," I groaned. 

"Yep. Reading files for 12 hours a day isn't really our thing," Nick sighed. 

"Is working with Gavin not as romantic as you thought?" I asked, smirking. 

"Listen...when he's reading the file, I can just like totally crush over at him and like swoon, but he is shit at his job," Nick said chuckling. "It's like I want him to just sit there...and keep his mouth shut about the whole case. Like just sit there, look pretty, and talk about how you sleep shirtless."

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