A Clouded Mind

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I dashed away from Klaus, who was left in confusion. He would want an explanation when I returned.

Me heart was aching and I needed him to know, it was nothing personal.

But first, I needed to feed. Desperately.

Using my vamp speed, I hustled into the wood. Heavy breaths shook my body and I tried hard to calm myself down. A sound reached me, a cracking branch and footsteps. Someone was coming my way.

It was no Mikaelson, I would have smelled that. Silently, I snuck closer.

It was a boy, probably eighteen or nineteen years old. I did not know him nor had I seen him around town. Please do not be a hunter or werewolf, I prayed and sprung out at him.

"Hi," I said and he turned around in surprise.
"My, hello there. You surprised me," he laughed.

I grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him to look into my eyes.

"You are not going to scream. Once I am gone you will forget this ever happened to you. It was simply the attack of a wild animal," I compelled him.

He made no sound when I tugged my fangs into his arm. The rush of blood and pleasure came over me and for some reason, Klaus' face manifested itself before my eyes as I fed.

After I'd gotten enough, I let go of the sensational feeling and stumbled back. He blinked.

"Wait." I said. "Let me heal you."
Offering him my own blood, I made sure his wound was fully gone. Only then, did I leave him behind. He would not remember our encounter.

Satisfied, yet a bit guilty too, I cleaned my mouth and headed back to the village. Klaus went up to me immediately when I arrived.

"There you are. I was worried sick, I had lost you somewhere," he sighed. I smiled reassuringly.
"I just had to do something. And about before..."
"It's okay," he interrupted me, "I get, it made you uncomfortable, knowing that I was still grieving over one lost love." He gave me a smile.

I wanted to tell him that this wasn't the case, but my vocal cords didn't do as I demanded. Thus, I remained silent.

We walked to their house, just in time for dinner. As we quietly ate, my eyes kept going back and forth in Klaus' direction, looking away when he turned his head to me as if I had never noticed he was even there.

One time, I caught him silently smiling to himself. I wondered what he was happy about but didn't dare ask in front of his family, especially Mikael. Gosh, I hated that man. More than I had ever hated Klaus or any other of our enemies.

I would never admit it to my friends, yet in truth, I kind of considered the hybrid my friend now, not only because of his human form.

In bed, I kept thinking about the moment in the cave. Why had I felt so good then? So safe?

Because he was human? Not the one I was used to? What would he have done if it had been his future self? Try to kiss me perhaps? Of course, I wouldn't have let him. Not with Tyler, my boyfriend, being out there. Tired, I closed my eyes.

Tomorrow was a big day. I would talk to my friends.

It was one step closer to home.

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