The Part of Me That Already Moved On

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When I woke up, Tyler was already gone. At first, I thought he had left me again, but I found him in the bathroom, fresh out of the shower. I grinned, taking in my boyfriend's body. He rubbed his hair with a towel and smiled.

"Hey Care, did you sleep well?" He gave me a kiss.
"I did. Have you had breakfast?"

He put on a shirt.
"Nope. Wanna go and eat?"

We went downstairs and I searched the fridge for something to fill our stomachs with.

"How are you feeling?" my boyfriend asked.
"Much better. I will never fully be over it but I think a part of me already knew."

He nodded, not asking any further questions. His thoughts were already somewhere else.

I cleared my throat to recapture his attention. "What have you been up to lately?"

"Ah, well, this and that. I've been helping out a wolf pack in Texas. To be honest, I actually wasn't planning on being home so soon, but when I heard of Bonnie's death, I had to come here and be there for you."

I placed food on the table and smiled. It meant a lot to me that he wanted to be there for me.

We ate, having a bit of small talk in the meantime. When we finished and I put away the plates, an image flashed in my mind.

"He broke up with me? Through you? After all we've been through?"

That was my voice. Why would I say such a thing? Tyler wouldn't break up with me. He loved me, more than anything else. Or so I wanted to believe.

"How long will you stay?" I asked, following a foreboding in my gut.
"I don't know yet. Depends on how you feel and on how my pack develops," he stated. "But let's not talk about such unimportant matters right now."

It wasn't unimportant to me, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Babe don't look at me like that. I'm here now! Let's enjoy our time, okay?" Tyler leaned over and kissed me again, this time with more passion and an intensity that made me melt into his touch.

"I missed you," he said after pulling back.
"I missed you too," I smiled.

"So, what do you want to do?" he grinned.
"Oh, there's sooo much. We could go bowling, to the cinema, have dinner, go party," I started excited.

He chuckled and stopped me with a hand gesture.
"Okay, okay, slow down, honey. We'll do it all. I just have to make sure I'm available for calls in case my pack needs me."

"Okay, no cinema then," I concluded.
"But we'll do the rest," he promised.

We started with bowling. I was glad I had a distraction for the day and spending it with my boyfriend seemed even better. Though he wasn't completely with me all the time. He kept looking at his phone, excusing himself when he received a call. I had to wait until he came back every single time and it got repetitive.

Annoyed, I started watching other people in the hall as they had lots and lots of fun. Distracted I got my phone out, thinking about chatting with Elena. But she was probably busy with Damon, having actual fun. Having his attention at all times. Unlike me.

No, it didn't matter. At least Tyler was back, and he had come only for me. What more could I ask for?

He finally returned from his call, and we could continue our game. He won easily, teasing me with his victory for the rest of the day. After we'd had dinner with my mom, she went to her nightshift, and Tyler and I made our way to my room.

Right after I closed the door, he looked at me with lust in his eyes. With incredible speed he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. It went on from there.

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