Hooray, everyone is so happy. Everyone but me

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"We can't just bring him back from the dead! He's been gone for centuries, Caroline. Centuries!", Stefan brought up.
"I'm aware. Which is why we won't bring him back now. We'll or rather I will prevent his death from ever happening!"
The room was quiet. Everyone seemed to think.
"Let's talk about this rationally.", Elijah pointed his finger at the table.
"The best witch we have right now is Bonnie and she can't do this spell right away.", Elena started.
So, Bonnie was alive? Why was that? Klaus had had nothing to do with her death.
"Plus, if you go back in time, the future will once again change.", Stefan said.
"You mentioned before that my Mum was dead in that future!", Tyler pointed out. "If that's the case, I will not let you go back."
I should have expected that. Of course, he wouldn't let me go back. Nor would Elena if she knew Jenna was dead or Stefan if he was aware of Elena and Damon being a thing. Katherine would certainly not be all too pleased either if she found out about how she had to run almost all her life from the Original.
"Is Mikael dead?", I asked, trying to get the others' thoughts off all this.
"He is. We killed him, or rather Elijah did right after Klaus' demise."
So none of them had to run. They were able to lead a calm and good life.
Everyone's life seemed so perfect. But that could not be just because Klaus was dead! He was not the monster, ruining everyone's lifes! I refused to believe that!
"Caroline, look, we're choosing to believe your story, even though it sounds very far fetched.", Rebekah sighed and felt my hopes rising. "But Tyler is right. If the future with our brother is not as good as this one, we can't change this. We've had centuries to get over it."
"Yes, you had.", I hissed. "But I hadn't."
Why was I the only one struggling? All of the other's futures seemed to have improved, yet mine, even without knowing and feeling the pain of Klaus' death, was worse. Shutting off my humanity because I couldn't deal with the vampiarism... Klaus had done so much for me, shown me such kindness, love and humanity. I missed him. So much. I just wanted him back, why would nobody grant me that?
He had never been the villain of my story. Sure, he wasn't quite the knight in shining amour either but he came close to being mine. Forever.
"We should not discuss this further at the moment.", Elijah disturbed the uncomfortable silence, which had fallen over the table. "Jenna is still waiting on us to show up to dinner and I am not planning on letting her down."
"Neither are any of you!", Elena added. "She's been preparing this for quite some time, even got Alaric on it. Caroline, you're coming too but shush about your crazy story."
Wow. Thank you, friend. Could I please return this version of Elena? Forcefully, I followed everyone to the girl's house. I was seriously surprised how much Jenna knew. She even let in Katherine with a big smile, which was just a tiny bit annoying. Bonnie was there too, greeting me with a smile while sitting on Jer's lap. Yay. Love in the air.
Contradictionary to Tyler and me because the atmosphere between us was rather tiring. It was clear, we were most definitely not an item anymore, that was for sure.
"Caroline, can you help me with the potatoes?", Jenna nicely asked from the kitchen. It was so weird to hear her voice, it had been ages since the last time.
"Sure.", I smiled. She wasn't a part of my grief, maybe a reminder for my loss, but she didn't deserve to be treated bad for that. Which was why I was excessively nice to her. To the others, not so much. I knew, I should probably not behave like this but I couldn't help it. Especially Elena was going on my nerves. The friend, I usually cherished so much, was treating me not at all like a friend. And as great as I was, I returned the favour.
"Wait, I'll come too!", Bonnie stood up and followed behind. Oh, it was good to see her face! Her, I had honestly really missed. Sure, back in my world, she wasn't all gone but there was no way to see her face or hear her voice. She might be the only one actually capable of keeping me here. And yes,  call me selfish but Klaus was too important to trade for the others. And I mean, come on, he had not even been involved in Bonnie's death!
The worst thing was that his face was fading. My memory of him was still very clear but how long could I uphold this? There were no pictures of him because he had died too early. I realized, the thoughts of him were getting me worked up again and so I tried shoving them deep down in my memory.
"Is everything okay between you and Tyler?", Bonnie suddenly whispered in my ear, disturbing my spiraling down in depressive mindsets.
"No. We broke up.", I told her, without a change of tone, which made me sound pretty heartless.
"What? Why? When? How did I not know about this?", she asked, obviously confused.
I gave her a soft smile. "Because of some stuff. And just now, maybe a couple minutes ago."
She pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know! Are you handling it okay?"
"Hey, it's fine! I was the one who broke up anyways.", I calmed her down. "We just weren't good for each other."
"But you and that Klaus fella were?", Elena had overheard the conversation.
"You didn't know him.", I just mumbled, while Bonnie let me go.
"Who is Klaus?", she asked.
"Oh, you didn't tell her of your little fantasy?", Elena crossed her arms. That little... Honestly, this version of her was just aweful.
"It's not a fantasy.", I growled. "And I didn't want to bring it up."
"Really? I would've thought, you go around shouting it at everyone!", she accused me. What was wrong with that girl? Why was she going at me like this? We'd never fought like this, nor did she behave like a god damn b*tch. At least the one I knew.
"Stop it.", I hissed at her dangerously.
"Why? Because Klaus meant so much to you? Because you loved him so much and miss him?", she wouldn't stop nagging me. I felt anger tingling in my body and clenched my fists. Please, someone make her shut up.
"He was your significant other? Your love always and forever?"
Klaus voice echoed through my mind, recalling moments we shared not long ago.
"I love you, Caroline."
"And you want to see him again even though it would ruin everyone elses life? Just how selfish are you?"
"Caroline Forbes, would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"What the hell are you talking about?", Bonnie asked, looking from one to the other. Our friends had noticed something was wrong and stopped doing their activities to face us.
"I love you."
"Elena, stop.", Rebekah stepped in, noticing my tense state.
"I love you too!"
"No! She's just craving attention! I'm so sick of this!", the girl snarled.
"I would very much like to be your girlfriend."
"Stop or she's going to turn it off. If it is true, she's in a lot of pain.", even Katherine tried settling things.
"Always and forever."
"No! She has to...", Elena started but I didn't let her finish. The voices were too much. They were even worse than when I had to see the images all the time. It hurt so much, way too much to bear. Which was why I totally snapped. I could feel myself speeding towards the brunette and pushing her. My hit made her stumble back while my veins started pulsating underneath my eyes.
"Caroline, no!", Stefan cought me by the arm and held me back.
"Let me go! I can't do this anymore!", I yelled at him.
"You wanted to kill me!", Elena screamed.
"Both of you, cut it out!", Bonnie raised her voice.
We were all yelling, everyone was upset, only Jenna and Alaric were really confused and looked pretty helpless. The atmosphere was heating up and every vampire was at their limit by now. But before we could go at each other, there was glass shattering and a familiar face made his way through the door, accompanied by a specific witch.
"You!", I growled.
"Why hello there.", Silas smiled mockingly.
I turned away from Elena and looked at the one responsible for this entire mess. "It was your fault!"
He chuckled. "Well, yes. Good that you remember. It's funny how only the ones involved in the spell don't lose their memory of the other world, isn't it?"
I eyed him with utter hatred. How could he make fun of this?!
"Now, onto the real reason for my visit. The cure! I know you have it."
We did? Oh... right. Katherine and Elena weren't fighting so it had not been used yet.
"You are not getting that!", Elena stated, grabbing Stefan's hand.
"How sweet. You want to use it on Stefan, to ensure you get to grow old together. Isn't love wonderful? But I too desire it for that exact purpose. Now give it to me!", the doppelganger yelled.
"No!", Elena stuck to her answer.
"Fine.", the older one let out. "You leave me no choice."
Shaking his head in awe, he turned to his witch friend and gestured towards Jenna. "Kill her!"
My brunette friend gasped. "No! Please don't! Jenna!"
But there was no stopping the girl. None of us were fast enough to prevent the fateful snap and Jenna's body dropping on the ground.
Holy sh*t.
And as sad as this was, the only thought I had was: it's not only Klaus' fault. She died anyways. There was no changing that.
Bonnie started chanting and the witch pressed her hands against her head, screaming in pain.
"Bonnie, stop!", I ordered.
"No way!"
"But I need her!", I added. That witch could send me back.
"We don't care!", Elena cried. "Just shut up, Caroline."
That was it. "Screw you!", I spit out and with an incredibly fast speed, I took the witch by the arm and ran off.

Hey guys!
So, I'm quite surprised, I got a lot of good feedback for the latest chapters. I actually thought you might be upset at my choice but I'm glad you're not!
Also, I'm happy I can finally put this chapter up! Some of you may remember that I accidentally published it a few weeks back and had some of you confused. But, things should make more sense now.
Anyways, I'll go try to get through this week and all the challenges ahead and hope you will enjoy whatever is to come for you. Until next Monday, see ya!

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