He's gone

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Confused, I took a look around. I was still in front of the Salvatore Mansion but Silas and the witch were both gone. Klaus was missing as well. Had they gone inside again? But why would the hybrid do that? I decided to search for them since there wasn't really any other possibility and knocked at the to my surprise closed door. At first, it looked like Silas opened up but something about his eyes told me otherwise.
"Stefan? Hey.", I tried my luck. He looked kind of confused though, taking a look at the time before turning back to me.
"Caroline? Didn't we agree to meet in an hour?", he asked, a bit nervous now.
"Did Stefan mix up the time again?", Elena showed up behind him laughing. So she was here too? She hugged Stef from behind, giving him a kiss on the cheek while laughing slightly. What was going on here?
"Where's Damon?", I wanted to know. Surely, he couldn't be okay with his girlfriend acting so friendly with his brother.
"Oh, he's buying ingredients for later.", Elena chuckled. "He insisted on it. Kind of sweet, don't you think?" Stefan shot her a reproachful look.
"I'm just trying to tease you!", my friend grinned. "It doesn't change the fact that I am your girlfriend."
My mouth dropped. "Wait what?"
Both of them eyed me confused now.
"You know this, Caroline.", Elena said, a bit startled. "Why are you acting so surprised?"
What the hell was this? A joke? Did Silas do something to my mind?
"Right...", I pretended. "So about later, we agreed to meet because...?"
"Aunt Jenna invited us all to dinner, remember? She thought, it would be nice with all the college stuff going on?", Elena eyed me carefully.
Jenna? But she'd been dead since a long time ago!
"Oh yes, sorry. I spaced on all that.", I chuckled. "Is my Mum still here?"
Elena shook her head. "No, she's not. She wasn't here at all."
"Oh, okay. Then, see you later, I guess."
I turned around, super confused and on edge. I was still wondering where my boyfriend went but I didn't know where to search so I decided to go home. While I was walking there I checked my phone contacts but Klaus' number was missing from it. That was strange, I sure as hell didn't delete it, but who else could have had my phone? Shaking my head in disbelief, I got out my key and opened the door to my house.
"Mum?", I asked. "Are you home?"
Why wasn't she at the mansion? Had Silas sent me into some kind of sleep and while I had been knocked out, the others defeated him? But then why was Klaus gone and Stefan and Elena an item?
"She's not home yet, babe. She told us, she's at work, remember?", a voice said up the stairs. "Where have you been by the way? Taking out the trash should not take this long."
"Tyler?!", I gasped.
I hadn't seen my ex since the day he had walked away from me.
"What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you...?", he gave me a wondering look.
"Really?", I shot back. "You decide to leave me because of your wolf pack and come back saying this?"
"Wolf pack?", he sounded confused. "I'm not sure, I can follow."
I started rubbing my temple. "Wait, you called me babe. Why would you call me babe?!"
He raised his hands in a defensive manner. "You're my girlfriend! Why wouldn't I?"
"No, I'm not. I just recently got together with Klaus but you wouldn't know that, would you? Stop fooling around!", I judged him.
"Who the f*ck is Klaus?"
That question lingered around in the room. Full of disbelief, I shook my head.
"Something's not right.", I whispered to myself. Then, I turned back to Tyler. "You're coming with me to Elena's later on, correct?"
He nodded, eyeing me suspiciously.
"It's at Elena's home, meaning her place was not burnt down?"
Another nod.
"And Jenna is alive. Is your mother dead?"
"Why would she be dead? As if I'd ever let that happen to her!", he said frustrated.
"Okay, so two more alive people... are you a hybrid?", it shot in my mind.
"What's a hybrid? I'm still a werewolf just as you are a vampire."
Klaus didn't turn him? Nor did he kill Jenna and Ty's mother? Wait... no way! It couldn't be.
Panicking, I got my phone out and dialed Rebekah's number.
"Hey Care, what's up? Something you need to say before meeting us later?", her voice greeted me.
"Yeah, you know, Elijah, Katherine and me?", Rebekah now sounded just like Tyler, utterly confused.
"Katherine? Why would she be there?"
"Caroline, are you okay?", she wanted to know.
"Please just answer.", I sighed.
"She's Elijah's girlfriend, of course, she'd come.", Becka said back and I imagined her with a very irritated face.
"What about Hayley?"
So no Hayley then. Meaning, also no baby.
"And Klaus?", the question finally escaped my mouth. For a second, it was silent on the other line.
"Are you refering to Niklaus?", Rebekahs voice then asked very quietly.
"Who else?"
"I haven't heard his name in ages.", she now sounded almost sad. "But why would you ask about him?"
"Why wouldn't I? It's a valid question, isn't it?", I stated.
"No, it's not. You don't even know him.", she snapped.
"Of course I do! I just saw him like fifteen minutes ago." I even wanted to add something like: "He's my boyfriend!" but didn't because I had a very bad feeling about all this in my guts.
"There's no way!", Rebekah tried to remain calm.
"Why?", I pushed.
"How do you even know his name?"
"Tell me why!", I now demanded.
"Because he has been dead for centuries!"
"You're lying!", I shook my head.
Tyler moved closer, clearly worried.
"He's not gone." He couldn't be!
For centuries?
"This is all a big hoax, very funny! You're all in on this, aren't you?", I forced myself to laugh. "It's just a joke. He'll be here in a second to clear it all up, right?"
Rebekah didn't say anything on the other end, meanwhile Tyler took another step closer.
"Caroline, calm down. We're not joking nor do we know what you're talking about. If you just listen to us, I'm sure we can settle things...", he reached out his hand.
"No!", I screamed and pushed him away, sending him flying through half of the room.
"It's not true!", I yelled, my fists clenched. My phone was aching from the pressure implied on it. Breathing heavily, I let go of it and it fell to the ground.
"He's not gone!", tears arose in my eyes. "I just admitted my feelings to him! It can't be over!"
"Caroline?", Rebekah's voice tried to reach me through the phone. Ty slowly got up again, rubbing his head and elbow.
"This was all Silas' doing.", it came to my mind. "He made that witch do the spell. Because he heard me telling Klaus about how he died."
I felt like I was going crazy, my head pounding and heart racing like never before.
"Elijah, Katherine, we need to get to Care's house now! Call Elena and Stefan!", the girl yelled on the other end while I was shaking my head, not able to cope with all this. The tears were now making their way down my face, I was in a state of way too much despair. My phone beeped, telling me that Becka had hung up. I speeded up to my room, desperately searching for his drawings but they weren't there. They were gone just like him. He wasn't here anymore. And it was all my fault.
I saw Tyler entering my room but I was too weak to push him away again. The only thing I wanted to do was cry and erase it all. He approached me, putting his hands on my head. A snap, I fell to the ground. He had broken my neck. Darkness lingered around me but it was nothing compared to what was inside of me. Because Klaus Mikaelson, the man I loved and cherished so dearly, was dead. He was gone. And I was at fault.

Oops, I did it again...
Yeah, that's basically all I have to say this time. But what do you think about this turn of events?
Until next chapter, byee

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