Brighter than the Stars

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Two days passed and nothing changed. Ayana was still preparing the spell, Tyler had still broken up with me, Bonnie was still dead, and I was still stuck in this time.

Mikael had punished Klaus for defending me, a rough beating, which left Klaus bloodied and in pain. It hurt me to see him like this, especially since it had been my fault he'd gotten hurt. At least, Mikael left me alone. For now.

I focused on helping Rebekah and Esther with preparing dishes or distracted myself by going around town. Another night had fallen, and I couldn't really sleep all too well. Suddenly, someone petted my shoulder.

"Caroline?" It was Klaus. What did he want at a time like this?
"What's up?" I whispered back.
"Oh good, you're awake." Darkness surrounded us and he wasn't using any light source. I had trouble seeking out his features in the pale light of the moon.

"Come with me but be quiet. I don't want anyone to wake up."
Without asking any questions, though I had plenty, I followed him yawning.

We left the house and he grabbed a candle as a light source. It barely lit his face, but at least I could see where he was. The moon was granted some more light.

"Klaus, where are we going?" I wanted to know in a low voice.
"You'll see," he grinned.

Focused on him, I almost tripped and fell over a wooden box on the ground. Klaus caught me with one arm.

"Careful, love. Don't want you hurting yourself," he smiled. "Here, take my hand. Maybe that will prevent you from falling."

Hesitantly, I put my hand in his and we continued walking. We made our way out of town, passing houses and trees until finally, we reached our destination. A small hill far away enough that you could see the entire town from above.

He settled down, gently dragging me with him.
"I love it here," he said calmly. "It's so peaceful and gives me time to think on my own. You can see the stars shining if it isn't a foggy night. Look."

My eyes searched the clear night sky and my body relaxed.
"It is beautiful," I stated. "I take it, this is your favorite place?"
He nodded. "It is indeed."

He let out a small sigh. "I was hoping to someday show this to Tatia. How things change."

"Tatia... What is it you like about her? What makes you love her so much?" The words were spoken before I could shut my mouth or bite my tongue.

"What makes me love her?" he repeated. "Her beauty is indescribable, she is smart and fierce. A bit cheeky, perhaps. Every man of our village adores her. She can trick you quite well, even playing you against your own brother. Love surely is a dangerous thing. A weakness that can attack your well-build defenses, shattering them to pieces," he whispered.

"That's not what love is about," I disagreed.
"Isn't it?" he asked, looking at me.

"No. Love is so much more. Sure, it hurts and sucks sometimes, I should know. But love isn't only pain and weakness. Love is having someone who cares about you. Who is there, no matter what, embracing you when you are hurt, being there in the darkest times. Lighting up your world. Someone who protects you with all their heart. That's what love is." A smiled crossed my lips. "It's beautiful, just like the stars." I turned my head back up.

I could tell that his smile had returned without even looking at him.
"You truly are something, Caroline," he chuckled. "So very different from the girls here."

Well, yes, that wasn't very hard, considering the centuries between me and them.

"You have a light inside you."Taken aback, I looked at him surprised. "It shines so very bright, brighter even than the stars." His eyes glimmered in the candlelight.

"Thank you, I guess."
"You are very welcome."
We kept quiet for some time.

"How are you handling everything?" he then asked carefully.
"Not good, but I try not to think about it too much," I admitted with a sigh. "I should've known, Tyler would leave me And Bonnie... well, at least I know about it now. Better now than never."

"So, his name is Tyler. An odd name," Klaus chuckled, making me grin at the difference of time again.
"Will you go back? To where you came from?" he asked quietly. "Even though you are afraid to do so?"

"I don't have a choice. I have to do it. For everyone involved."
"Is it what you want?" he wanted to know, catching me off-guard.

"I am not sure. Probably. It has to be." Of course, I wished to see my friends again. Of course, I knew I belonged in my time. But with Silas on the loose, Bonnie gone and Tyler away, I didn't feel like going back just yet.

What was I saying? Especially in times like this, my friends needed me more than ever. I would be home as soon as Ayana was ready.

"Tell me before you go, I wouldn't want you leaving without giving a proper goodbye," he smiled sadly. Did he want me to stay? Was he downhearted by me leaving?

"I will. But no worries, I am able to stay some time longer," I said instinctively. I turned to the sky again. Lots of stars were sparkling up there, the moon was hidden by a cloud.

"Oh, you surely must be cold?" Klaus realized. I wasn't due to my vampirism, but of course couldn't tell him that. He grabbed and pulled me closer to his chest.


I nodded. His heartbeat had increased, beating against my back. Cautiously, I snuggled up to him a bit more. He put his chin on my head and started drawing circles on my back.

"I can't see the stars like this," I noticed and wanted to move up. Unfortunately, I put a bit too much weight into it and caused Klaus to fall on his back, dragging me down with him.

"Now I can see them again," I giggled flustered. He chuckled.
"Then we shall stay like this a little longer."

The cold air stroke our skin, but focused on his warmth, I didnt even notice. What a beautiful night.

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