Klaus' Defiance

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When we finally returned to the village, it was already late evening. Mikael had wanted the family to be home earlier today and so we hurried along.

My eyes still were a bit puffy from crying, but there was no time to wait. We arrived at the house, only to be surprised by a curious Rebekah.

"Did it work? Your memories, are they back?" she asked, catching Kol's attention as well.
"Some of them," I lied and Klaus put his hand on my back again, for comfort.

"I don't think this is the best topic for today. Perhaps we should discuss this another time?" he offered, gently smiling and I nodded, grateful for the way out. Rebekah noticed my wet eyes and decided not to push further, giving me a hug.

"It's going to be okay. We're here for you," she smiled. I rested in the embrace for a moment. I knew she meant it. Weirdly, I had formed a bond with the girl, which I never thought to be possible.

Esther glanced at us but kept quiet. We sat down at the table. Dinner with the Mikaelsons was always boring and calm. No one dared to say something in front of their father, scared to get him angry.

Today was different.

Mikael started a conversation. With me of all people.

"I heard you were with Ayana before?" he asked.
"I was," I said slowly.
"Because of your memories?"
"Yes..." What was he aiming at?

"Have you remembered something?"
Great. I had successfully dodged Rebekah on this, and now Mikael had to investigate me?

"A few pieces. But to tell the truth, I'd rather keep them to myself for now since they are personal and very painful to think about," I said unsure.

"Why? Because they could reveal you as a threat to us?"
"What? No! I am not a threat!" I defended myself.

"Then tell me how you got here. Why the memory loss occurred. What you remember," he demanded and my jaw tightened. I didn't want to talk to him, nor did I want to make up some weird story, somehow involving the parts I had revealed to Klaus in plain honesty.

"Answer!" he yelled, making me flinch. None of the siblings would step up for me and I didn't expect them to, either. I knew they feared their father. This one would be on me.

"I..." My voice cracked, remembering Bonnie and Tyler.
"I can't hear you!" Mikael continued yelling.

"Father, please, leave it alone for today."
In shock, all eyes went to the man who had spoken for me.

"Nik, what are you doing?" Rebekah whispered. I would like to know that too.

"What did you say to me, boi?" Mikael hissed, angered by his son's interference.
"I'm begging you to give her a rest for today," Klaus continued, his eyes meeting mine for a second. I stared at him in amazement. Had he just risked it all? For me?

"You are not to question and order me around!" Mikael said furiously.
"I am not trying to, father. I am giving out a request."

Mikael's fist crashed onto the table, shaking everything on it. I was afraid, he would come over to Klaus and punish him for speaking.

Luckily, Esther decided to step in.
"He is not wrong, Mikael. Leave it for the day, will you?"
Groaning, the man took a seat again.

"We will speak about your behavior tomorrow, Niklaus. It is unacceptable for you to talk to me in such rude manner."
Fear controlled Klaus' face, but he didn't take his words back or apologized for them. He looked at me and a slight, comforting smile crossed his lips as if to tell me, he was going to be alright. I sure hoped, he actually would be.

That night, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were spinning in my head, making it impossible to get any kind of relaxation. I pushed the images of Tyler and Bonnie aside and concentrated on only one topic. Klaus.

I had to admit, even in my time, I had felt some kind of connection to him. He had always put me first and had not even been mad when I only spent time with him as a distraction for my friends to plot against him.

He had sacrificed one of his precious hybrids just to get a date with me. He had saved me many times, though admittedly, he was the cause of my suffering in some of those cases. Which brought up his bad side.

I couldn't ignore the fact that he had it. Sometimes, I had wished to forget all the bad things he had done, forgiving him. It seemed to be impossible. There was too much he had done over the years.

I had done bad too, for instance killing twelve witches to save Bonnie. I sighed thinking about my best friend who wasn't with me any longer.

Avoid it, back to the other thoughts. I couldn't be with Klaus in my time. I didn't want to, considering I didn't have serious feelings for him. His human side was different though. Not littered with guilt, caring, and sweet. He was there for me, comforted me and even protected me of his frightening father. His smirk sent my heart soaring, and his calm voice gave me chills.

What are you doing, Caroline? I scolded myself. You just broke up with Tyler. How can you have these kinds of thoughts?

Had I just broken up with him though? Our relationship or rather the lack thereof, hadn't felt the same for some time now. It seemed our relationship had been broken for a long time already.

I buried my head in the linen of my bed. This sucked. All of it did. How would I fix this? By going back? It would help the others since I wouldn't continue to change time. But what about me? What should I do?

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