Silas is the worst

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"I did come alone, I promise!", I squeeked of fear. "He followed me here, there was nothing I could do!"
Klaus regarded me with an annoyed look but I could see that he understood the situation I was in right now.
"Don't worry, I believe you.", Silas chuckled. "And this way, it'll be more fun anyways. Maybe I'll even hurt you a little just to test him."
I saw Klaus clench his fists at that saying.
"Hold him back, Caroline!", Stefan's doppelganger warned. "Or I'll kill your mother."
"Klaus, honey, please.", I begged and looked him in the eye. He just nodded, not relaxing a single bit.
"Thank you!", Silas grinned. "Then, shall we go in?"
We were forced to follow him inside where we found all my friends and my mother at the table, tied to chairs. It was plain to see that the vampires were suffering from vervained ribbons. Damn that bastard. Elena, who was the only one awake at the moment, raised her eyebrows when seeing Klaus enter behind me. She couldn't say anything though because Silas had sealed her mouth with another rope. My friend looked in pain as did the others, which made me more than just a little angry, the veins beneath my eyes starting to pulsate dangerously.
"Sit down, you two.", Silas ordered. We didn't react at first, both too tense to even move. "I said: sit!"
The doppelganger went over to my mother, taking her head in his hands. "Or a little snap and your Mum is an owl."
"Stop!", I pleaded. "We'll do as you say, just don't hurt her."
With one hand up to calm Silas down, and the other dragging my unwilling boyfriend to follow me, I went to the chairs and took my place. Klaus was positioned next to me, his one hand clutching into the wood, leaving marks on it.
"Calm down.", I whispered to him. "It'll all be fine, just calm down."
Silas rolled his eyes but at least took his hands away from my mother's head.
"Yeah, you tell him that. Now, let's wake the others up."
With a splash of vervein into each of the brother's faces, he woke them up with a yell from both vamps. My mother was brought to consciousness by the loud noises.
Silas also got rid of their gags and they took deep breaths of air to calm themselves down. Highly understandable.
"Caroline?", my mother spotted me. "What's going on here?"
"Don't worry, Mum!", I assured her. "I'll get you out of this!"
Silas laughed. "Sure, I'll let you all go. But first, I have some questions for our dear Caroline."
I saw Klaus tensing up again out of the corner of my eye. Was he worried for me? How adorable. I held back a flattered smile because it really wouldn't have fit the situation.
"Okay.", I brought out instead. "You want me to answer questions. I'll do it. But let them go."
"Why the rush?", Silas asked relaxed. "These three and your plus one are the witnesses."
"Plus one?", Elena spoke for the first time.
"One thing after another.", the older man told her and turned back to me. "Let's start at the beginning, shall we?"
I gulped. This couldn't be good.
"How did you escape my witch's spell?"
"I don't know.", I lied. "After all, she didn't really do anything, did she?"
Silas crunched his teeth together. "You knew she wasn't Bonnie."
"The truth, Caroline! I want the truth.", he demanded.
But I held to it. "That is the truth."
Angry, Silas once again made his way to my mother, this time slowly picking up a knife from the table. "We can do this the hard way or the easy way. Which do you prefer?"
Mum started to uneasily move in her chair as the doppelganger approached her.
"Tell me the truth.", he snapped at me, pointing the knife at my mother's throat. Her panicked expression was too much.
"Fine! A witch from the past helped me back and erased everything that happened including the time which passed."
He let down the sharp object. "Interesting. Is that why you went to search for the hybrid? Because only you remembered?"
I nodded in defeat, ignoring Elena's curious glance and Klaus' fist. He was not about sharing this at all. At least not with Silas.
"And let me guess, one thing led to the other and now, you're so madly in love?"
Elena let out a chukle. "Far fetched, Silas.", she said. "What makes you think something as absurd as that?"
My mother seemed to agree. "Caroline would never do that. He tried killing her once."
"Exactly.", Elena shrugged her shoulders. "She doesn't like him this way. Right, Care?"
I didn't say anything, just looked at the ground.
"Care?", Elena sounded unsure now.
"No, of course he's wrong.", Klaus stepped in which made me look at him. His gaze met mine, shimmering to assure me, he had my back. But I knew, this was not what he wanted. It was not fair.
"He's not.", I admitted, smiling at the hybrid who was clearly surprised. "I'm sorry, Mum... sorry, Elena but I can't change how I feel. It's just not an option to hate him anymore. Not to me. He's not the devil, he has his sweet parts, trust me."
"You mean, you actually love him?", Damon stepped in. "That's a new level, even for you, Blondie."
"That's rich coming from you.", Klaus and I snapped at the same time. He smirked and gestured for me to go on.
"Honestly why can't you just accept my choice? I can't control who I have feelings for! Elena, especially you should know this!"
She sighed. "I get it, Caroline. It's just that he killed Jenna, remember?"
"And Damon once snapped your brother's neck.", I shot back.
"He came back, my aunt didn't.", Elena defended her boyfriend.
I rolled my eyes. "You know what, I'm done discussing this. If you can't accept that Klaus has made such big amendments, it's your problem. I held back for way too long."
I cought Klaus grinning at that statement and I crossed my arms in annoyance of the others.
"Caroline, I love you and I could never hate you for a choice you made. So I accept it because you're right. Damon isn't the most innocent man either and I still chose to stay with him.", Elena pleaded. Thank god. Though I did see Stefan flinch at her confession.
"You see, that's exactly the problem.", Silas pointed out. "I generally have no problem with you and the hybrid being an item but he sticks to keeping you company all the time and considering my plans, I can't have that. Which is why I sent you back in time to kill him." He took a step closer. "But as you can see, he's not dead. Furthermore, he'll never let off you now nor will he ever leave me to fulfill my plans here, which for your info don't involve any of you, because you don't want that." Leaning onto my chair, he sighed.
"So? What do you even want to do now? Klaus could kill you in a second.", I said.
"Oh, I'm aware. But imagine it the other way around: Klaus dead body on the ground. Blood everywhere? Can't you see it? How wonderful and easy life would be."
Blood... dead body... Klaus' death.
"Stop.", I flinched, my head starting to pound.
"Caroline?", I heard my mother call out to me.
Tears, blood, death...
Stop! Stop it!
"Sweetheart, what is going on?", this time it was Klaus reaching out to me.
"Don't move!", Silas snarled.
Make them stop. Let the image of him dissapear, he's right by your side, he's okay!
"Care, why are you crying?"
"Answer us, Blondie!"
"Honey? Are you alright?"
"Love! What is going on? Tell me what to do!"
I rose to my feet with an incredibly fast movement, leaving everyone startled, especially Silas.
"Excuse me for a second!", I forced myself to say and ran outside for fresh air, knowing Klaus would follow.
"Love, talk to me.", he was right behind me. "What was that?"
"I kept something from you.", I admitted, facing him while drying my cheeks of the shed tears.
"And by that you mean what exactly?", he asked suspicious.
"Before I was sent home, I did say I loved you but you didn't hear it.", I cried. "You weren't able to."
"I wasn't able to...?", he repeated, trying to catch onto what I was trying to articulate.
"Mikael had followed us after I killed your mother. He wouldn't let it go. And then he just ripped your heart from your chest.", my voice almost broke recalling the horrible and terrifying image.
"Wait what?"
"You died Klaus. Right in front of me. You were dead."
Silence. He had no answer, I had nothing else to say. It wasn't one of us two who broke through the quiet.
"I knew it. I was so sure something had happened. Thank you for confirming, Caroline."
What? Silas stood in the doorstep once again, smirking even brighter than before.
"You remember my witch friend, don't you? She's here to fulfill her mission. If you may?"
A witch appeared, whispering a spell.
"No!", I yelled. "Don't!"
Klaus was running towards Silas while I made my way to the witch. But I was too late. She yelled out the last word.
Then, I blinked and the world shifted before my eyes.

Hey you all!
I know this is probably not what you all were hoping for and so, I am very curious to see what your reactions to this chapter will be like!

Sadly for me, I have some busy weeks ahead of me but do not worry, this won't affect frequent updates in any way!
It also means that you won't get more chapters a week, as a lot of you have been requesting for quite some time now, because I don't want to stress myself out even more.
I am really sorry I can't fulfill your request and hope you understand.

Anyways, concluding this I got to say bye for today and I'll see you all next week!

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