Something's Pulling Me Slightly Southwest

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We decided to take a plane to New York and booked a room in an affordable hotel. The plan was to stay a few days, see all attractions, find young like-minded people and not think about anything remotely related to Silas.

We went to parties, got seriously wasted and did everything, girls our age wanted to do.

If something wasn't allowed, we compelled our way through, which worked marvels every single time.

We slept until noon and stayed up until morning, but not even that prevented my nightmares. They lingered in my mind, leeched onto my perceptions of reality and forced Klaus into my thoughts over and over again.

One morning, when I was checking my messages, I found a message from the hybrid himself, who seemed very amused by something I had written. After I reread my messages, I cringed at my drunk texts. I had definitely been too drunk to chat him up in the first place.

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I begged him to forget about the messages because I had not been aware of what I was doing

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I begged him to forget about the messages because I had not been aware of what I was doing. It didn't happen again after this one time, but I was aware, my messages had had something to do with the fact I kept seeing him in visions and dreams.

I was just glad, my messages provoked no questions concerning this topic, that would've been tough to explain. Klaus presumably had his own ideas about the meaning behind my texts, whatever those were.

After two days and three nights or so, I suggested we go somewhere else. I didn't want to spend the rest of my summer break stuck in the same place yet again. I needed change to keep my mind distracted. Luckily, Elena understood that.

"Where do you wanna go?" she asked and I looked at Google Maps. My eyes trailed off to Louisiana, and I quickly dragged them back up, landing on Pennsylvania.

"Philadelphia," I decided.

We drove for quite a while, listening to music rather loudly and talking about everything but my visions. I enjoyed spending time with Elena.

From Philadelphia we went on to Baltimore, Washington and Richmond. Petersburg was next. Then Durham and Charlotte. After that: Atlanta. It was like something was pulling me southwest, but I didn't know what.

In Montgomery, we stayed for two nights. On the second day, Elena got a phone call and all her excitement faded away in an instant.

"What is it?" I asked.
"Jeremy. Katherine is back and Jer is hurt." She scrambled to her feet and started packing her things in a hurry. "I need to go, I'm so sorry, Caroline."

"It's okay, I'll go with you."
"No! You can't be back in Mystic Falls yet, Bonnie hasn't found the spell. You need to keep your mind off those images. Promise me, you'll stay away until we have found a solution!"

She left in the evening. I spent the night alone, as always soaking in sweat due to the images. The next day, I was wondering where to go next. I had no idea. So, I put on music, sat in the car and started driving. I didn't know where.

Hours later, I reached a bigger city, filled with music and color. Where was I? Maybe Google Maps could tell me? I pulled up the map and zoomed in on my location until the city's name filled my screen in big letters. My heart skipped a beat.

New Orleans, it said on my display.

I had followed an instinct and it had brought me here.

To Klaus Mikaelson's city.

I was in New Orleans.

You all knew it was coming, didn't you?
Btw: I really enjoy creating these text message kind of things so I hope you found these good as well. I might have a surprise for you all next week...
See ya!

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