This won't be easy

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"Caroline, can you come help me with something real quick?", Rebekah asked and I looked up from my usual chores.
"Sure.", I then replied, following her into the kitchen of our kind hosts, who had so generously agreed to offer us shelter for a small amount of time. We'd been going around from town to town for almost a week, making our way down to the sea to take a ship to Europe. So far, I had nothing on any of my main concerns, which wasn't really helping my situation. Not that I did not enjoy spending time with Klaus, who despite his temptation to kill just like every other of his siblings, was more than sweet to me. But I couldn't keep calm knowing, I wasn't getting anywhere. Kol and Finn had decided to join us, we'd met them two days ago, feeding on innocent people. Those guys had no control over themselves whatsoever! They needed to get a grip, gosh, seriously!
"The lady of the house has requested of us to make dinner.", Rebekah explained.
"Dinner? Seriously?", I asked. Unfortunately, the Originals had not yet figured out the way to compell people and as a result, I needed to play along and act just as our accommodators wished, which wasn't giving me a lot of free time to find a witch. Something making me even more cross was that the daughter had an eye out for Klaus and was flirting with him non-stop. I perhaps was feeling a strong sense to kill her but I was a good vampire and could furthermore not blow my cover with the Mikaelson siblings.
"Mum, I'm hungry!", I heard the little brat yell in the other room. How could a bloody Viking girl be so needy and rude? She had no manners at all!
"It's almost ready, sweetheart, don't worry.", her mother shouted back. Like she knew. She wasn't making it, we were.
"I guess there's pricks in every decade or century.", I mumbled to myself and almost burnt myself while putting some meat on a plate. And while I might be able to heal myself, it didn't mean that something like that didn't hurt.
"What do you mean by that?", Rebekah gave back to my previous rambling but before I could think of something reasonable, the lady of the house entered and demanded of us to "finish up" before she'd "throw us the hell out" as she so nicely put it.
"Gee, thanks, we don't need any respect or decency at all.", I scoffed quietly and carried the food onto their table, where the little spoiled girl was already waiting.
"Took you long enough.", she dared to complain and immediately dug in, not even waiting for her parents and siblings to sit down. "Something to drink please?", the mother clapped her hands at us. What was this? Some kind of Cinderella story in the Viking age? If so, I'd soon fairy god-mother the heck out of these ungrateful idiots.
As the family sat down, Elijah and Klaus returned from searching for wood and the brat's face lit up in a matter of seconds.
"Niklaus! You're back!", she squeeked. "Come sit with us!"
"What?", Rebekah rightfully exclaimed. Klaus on the other hand only rolled his eyes. He was, as always, annoyed by the girl's attempt to make an impression.
"I'm carrying wood, can't you see that?", he asked, lifting up his arms with the heavy material.
She just raised her shoulders. "Hand it to the girls, what do I care?"
My facial expression tensed up and Klaus' jaw tightened as well. At least he wasn't enjoying this either. For the first time in forever, I wished for the Originals to act on someone. Could they please just figure out compulsion?!
"You heard our daughter.", the father ordered. "Do as she says."
Clutching his teeth, Klaus handed me his stack of wood. "I'm sorry.", he whispered into my ear and my eyes followed him as he made his way towards the free seat.
It's fine, I tried to tell myself while setting the wood down in front of the fireplace. I was not going to snap because of some ignorant girl. As long as she wasn't going to do anything more than flirting, it was okay.

While the family ate with Klaus, the rest of us resigned in the kitchen to talk. Even Finn and Kol decided to show up, their mouths bloody and their fangs still out.
"We need to discuss how we are going to procede in the near future.", Elijah stated and we all nodded.
"Are you sure we should approach this talk without Klaus?", I mentioned concerned and Kol shrugged his shoulders, while whiping his mouth clean. "He can listen in on us anyways so it shouldn't be a big deal."
"Indeed.", Elijah agreed and proceeded. "We cannot go on like this forever, going around asking people for accommodation, it won't work. Not to mention the fact, Kol and Fin  can't keep their hunger away for a simple hour." He gave his brothers a judging look but Finn just scoffed.
"Like you are any better!", he accused the noble one. "You're merely more talented at hiding it but you kill just as many as we do! The craving is way too strong to resist!"
Elijah clenched his fists angrily to show his discomfort in the situation. "Even Niklaus holds himself back.", he growled but Kol only let out a loud laugh. "No, he doesn't. He's the worst of us all but he's good at hiding it because of Caroline."
"Why because of me?", I asked, a bit confused.
"Are you dumb? He doesn't want you to know what kind of a monster he is.", Kol told me, annoyed by my "stupidity".
"Call her dumb once more and I'll rip out your liver." Klaus had entered the room, clearly upset at his younger brother. "Don't let this guy bother you, sweetheart. You are one of the smartest girls I know.", he said to me, causing me to smile brightly.
"It's fine, honey.", I calmed him. "But did you really think I was unaware of your night-walks when you satisfy your urge for blood?"
"You knew?", he whispered guilty.
"Of course I did.", I chuckled. "But it's okay."
These were the early stages of vampirism, they had to get used to it all. Unfortunately, I knew they'd never really stop killing people throughout time. Probably something, they'd pick up along the way in the coming century.
"Are they done eating?", Rebekah brought up, referring to the family.
"Almost.", Klaus gave as an answer. "I excused myself with urgent matters but I'm sure they will call me any second because that little girl wanted to -"
"Speak of the devil.", I hissed as the daughter entered the kitchen to find my boyfriend.
"How can I be of assistance?", he tried to sound kind and not completely worn out by her nagging persona.
"Didn't I tell you to quickly return? There was something we needed to discuss, remember?", she blinked so fast to look cute, I was almost afraid she was going to have a stroke. Why was she all over him anyways? She'd known him for like two or three days!
"I was just about to join you again.", Klaus forcibly smiled and shot me a look as they left our circle. His eyes were clearly asking for help, which I would've loved to offer. But I couldn't. Not if I wanted to keep up my cover.
What I was able to do, was to follow them secretly to make sure that girl kept her god damn hands away from him! Rebekah chuckled when seeing me sneak away but I decided to kindly ignore her.
That girl took Klaus to a seperate room to talk and shut the door behind her. Quietly, I opened it again, which to my luck went unnoticed, even by my boyfriend.
"Now, what did you want to talk about?", he started right as I peaked through the entrance.
"You.", she grinned seductively. "Or better us."
Oh, that b*tch. Directly approaching him now, was she?
"There is no us.", Klaus told her, his eyes with a blank expression and his voice sounding more than just a little dull. Ha! Show her, babe!
"Not yet. But there could be.", she took a step closer. Don't you dare! Stay away from him! "I've had my eyes on you since you arrived here."
"Oh, I noticed.", he raised his eyebrows.
"And I am aware, I don't even know you that well but there's something about you... I cannot seem to help myself.", she sighed, putting her hands on his shoulders. Could she please stop touching him?!
"You and I... we could be something.", she now stood on her tip-toes, her face moving closer to his. If she was going to kiss him, she was dead!
She was barely apart from him and I felt my body tense up, ready to rip her head off.
"Please stop.", Klaus stepped away. "See, I appreciate your thoughts but I do not even know you. So, I'm sorry but this is not going to happen."
The girl bit her lip angrily. "Well, if you say so. But you will totally change your mind soon!"
She crossed her arms and gestured for him to leave her alone. Clearly, she wasn't happy with how the situation had played out. Her bad, I didn't care.
Klaus made his way towards the door and before I wanted to hurrily move away when he pulled open the entrance. He stared at me a bit confused, then took me by the hand and speeded away to hide me from the girl inside the room.
"Were you eavesdropping?", he asked when we reached the room the family had offered to us for sleeping. His siblings weren't here, leaving us to ourselves.
"What me? No.", I lied, knowing he wouldn't believe it.
"Don't you trust me?", he implied, hurt in his eyes.
"What? No! Babe, of course I trust you!", I said, running to him and stroking his cheek softly.
"Babe?", he laughed. "What kind of saying is that? Something from your home?"
I nodded. "We use it for people we love. At least that's usually the case."
"Love? Is that how you feel about me?", he smiled.
"Would that be bad?", I asked, giving him an innocent look.
"Not at all.", he gently put his hands on my waist. "Babe."
I laughed. He was about to lean in when we heard the mother of the house yell my name.
"God dammit.", Klaus started swearing. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and had to force myself to leave his embrace.
"Hold that thought.", I smiled and quickly speeded out the room to see what that woman wanted.
"What can I do for you Ma'am?", I kindly wanted to know.
"Astrid threw this down, clean it!", she demanded and pointed a finger at a mess at the ground.
"Of course.", I said, trying not to hiss at her. If we would be in a cartoon, my face would turn all red now. She left, which was great because I finished that task in seconds due to my vampire speed. After successfully not snapping and cleaning up someone else's stuff, I hurried back to the room, where Klaus was already waiting for me.
"That was quick.", he smirked and pulled me closer as if he'd lose me if he didn't.
"I had a very good motivation.", I told him and leaned in further until our foreheads touched.
"You make me go crazy.", he mumbled under his breath. "Also, your smell is marvelous!"
"Not to sound creepy.", I chuckled and he slightly shook his head. "Never towards you. You are too important to me for that."
He kissed me slowly and with passion and it took some time before we parted to look each other in the eyes.
"Oh. My. God!"
We turned our heads to the door and saw Astrid, the girl who had previously tried to kiss Klaus, staring at us intensely.
"You are with her?", she furiously spit out. Klaus laid his hands on my hips.
"Indeed.", he answered. He seemed careful of his choice of words, tensing up as the girl stepped closer.
"I want her out of this house!", she shouted, pointing in my direction with a shaking hand. Her yelling attracted not only her parents but the other Mikaelson siblings as well.
"What is going on?", her mother asked and shifted her sight from her daughter to us and back.
"I want her out!", Astrid repeated, not in the slightest accepting my presence.
"You throw her out, we all go.", Rebekah brought up and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"What? Why?", Astrid hissed.
"She's family.", was Elijah's only answer.
"Fine, then go! We don't need you! Leave at once!", Astrid decided, ignoring her parents, who did not seem as pleased with losing their servants.
Rebekah quickly gathered our things and was out of the door in a matter of seconds, which left the family pretty startled. The others followed in a hurry.
"Are you coming, love?", Klaus asked, following his siblings to the door.
"Just a second.", I said and stopped in front of Astrid. "One last thing: you should be glad, we are leaving because if you would have kept on flirting with my man, I would have killed you!"
"Wha-", she looked up and I casually played with the veins beneath my eyes to scare her off. It worked because she stumbled backwards in terror and let out a scream louder than the sound of a hurricane. Served her right.
Klaus offered me his hand and we vamp speeded away, me smiling like I'd won a marathon.

So, I know this chapter was very cliche in some parts but sometimes, such things are needed. I do hope you enjoyed this anyways and I'll see you all next week. Byee

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