Why can't anything ever go according to plan?

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What followed was a deep silence. We just looked each other in the eyes and didn't say a word. That had been a confession that compared to nothing else I had ever said before. And he had said it back. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I felt my cheeks blush. The moment seemed to last forever until finally, Klaus broke the silence, clearing his throat and eating a slice of bacon, which made me laugh.
"How come I do not remember all this except the parts I saw in my dream?", he asked after swallowing.
"It's the spell. Ayana erased the entire time I spent there. Noone should've been able to remember, it was supposed to be like it had never even happened. But because I broke out of the ritual to get to you, I was able to recover the memories and somehow share them with you when laying by your side.", I explained.
"So the nightmares were scenes from the past?", he understood.
"Exactly. But hey, without them, I wouldn't be here. So thank god, right?", I said, a bit nervous.
"Yes. I couldn't be happier.", he smiled.
"Where does all this leave us?", I repeated the question he had asked earlier.
"I told you, I would wait for you forever. But now that you've told me all this, I don't think I have to.", he stated carefully. "It depends on what you want but I would say, we are lovers to say the least?"
I nodded slowly. "I guess so."
This was weird. It's not like I didn't want to be his lover or maybe even girlfriend but a part of me was still worried about what my friends would say.
"For god's sake, just date already!", Rebekah said, leaning at the door.
"Rebekah!", I let out a surprised squeak. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Not all too long.", she smiled.
"We did overhear the lovers part though.", Hayley said, leaving me a bit startled.
"I too second the opinion of making it official and you two being boyfriend and girlfriend. It would certainly be more formal.", Elijah entered the room after his sister.
Klaus and I exchanged glances and then just burst into laughter. I couldn't believe his entire family was in favour of us being a thing.
"Well then, Caroline, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?", Klaus asked, taking my hand in his by reaching over the table. My thoughts went back to my friends. What would they think of me if I said yes? Would I be regarded as crazy? Weird? Then again, Klaus had helped us so many times, would they really mind? Or even be surprised? I felt everyone's eyes on me and took a deep breath.
"I would very much like that.", I smiled and Elijah, Becka and Hayley applauded while Klaus slightly got up to give me a kiss.
I just chuckled at their reactions, feeling like this was exactly where I belonged. Just then, I heard a buzzing sound from upstairs.
"I think that's my phone.", I thought aloud. "I'll go check, be right back."
I stood up, shot them all a smile a vamp speeded upstairs to take the call. The screen told me it was Elena who was calling me.
"Yes?", I answered. "Elena, what's up?"
But when the voice started speaking, it wasn't the familiar female tone I heard.
"Guess again, Caroline."
"Stefan?", I asked confused, not catching onto the person from the other side.
"Wrong. Try once more.", he said and my heart almost stopped.
"Correct! Smart girl!", he laughed.
"Why do you have Elena's phone?", I panicked. What was going on?
"I have your friend in, let's call it, custody.", his voice said through the speaker. It sounded dangerously amused. "Isn't that right? Do you want to say hello to dear Caroline?"
A freaked out muffled voice made itself known in the background.
"Elena!", I cried out. "You won't get away with this! Damon or Stefan will safe her!"
"Oh, you mean these two?", Silas asked. He seemed to kick someone and Stefan scoffed. Damon was also very well to hear as he started screaming at Silas to let Elena go for just a second before being imprisoned or maybe even knocked out again.
"Any other suggestions?", Silas wanted to know provocatively. "I even have the sheriff in my possession."
"Mum?", I whispered.
"That's right. But she's not awake right now. So, anything to say?"
"What do I have to do?", I gave up.
"That's the good girl I was rooting for!", he clapped his hands excited. "It's not much! You just have to come here to the Salvatore Mansion and we'll have a little chat about your adventure. And don't even think about bringing your Original friends along."
I hid my face in my hands and tried to not completely freak out.
"Okay, you got it. Just don't hurt them!", I begged.
"I won't do that. Yet. But you'll have to hurry. Don't keep me waiting, darling.", he hung up on me before I could say another word.
It took me just a second to process everything, then I started packing my things together in an incredible speed. I exchanged the shorts with jeans and put up my hair into a messy tail. My breath was going unsteady because of worry and I was shaking. What was I to tell the Mikaelsons? Would Klaus take it the wrong way? I didn't want him to be mad right after we got together. How was I supposed to get home so fast? I could compell myself a car again but driving would take quite some time. Should I take a plane?
"Caroline, what are you doing?"
I turned around in shook. In the door to his room stood my boyfriend.
"Klaus... I... a call! Silas! My friends! My Mum! I...", I tried to explain myself without suffering through an emotional breakdown.
"Shh, love, calm yourself. What is it?", he speeded closer and held me by the shoulders.
"Silas has my friends and my mother. He said, I had to hurry to Mystic Falls or he'll hurt them.", I forced myself to say calmly.
"What?", he tensed. "He will not get away with this. I'll go with you and we'll take him down."
"No! He ordered me to come alone! I can't risk it!", I sobbed, feeling the tears rise.
"Sweetheart, I will not let you go by yourself! How am I supposed to protect you, huh?", he growled.
"I can protect myself.", I said but he wouldn't let it go.
"No way! I am not losing you. Not after all this!", he wasn't yelling anymore, his voice was weak and begging.
"Klaus, sweetie, listen to me. You are not losing me, not now, not ever.", I told him, taking his hand. "I love you. But what you want for me, my safety, is exactly what I want for you as well."
"I am very well able to protect myself, I have been for centuries.", he shot back. I let go of his hands.
"I am not having this talk with you.", I decided and closed my suitcase.
"And I am not letting you go alone.", Klaus had the final word. I sighed.
"Fine, come with me. But Silas cannot see you."
His face filled up with relief. Chuckling, I lifted up the case.
"Oh and I'm keeping your shirt."

We really did decide to fly in the end. Rebekah, Hayley and Elijah weren't all too happy about our disappearance but could understand why it was necessary. Klaus didn't bring anything with him but two spare shirts, a trouser and fresh underwear which he packed into my suitcase. He had also insisted on us flying first class and I cought a bit of sleep during the first flight. We had to split the tour up and had booked ourselves a hotel room for one night. When we finally arrived at our resting location, we were pretty exhausted.
"Hello.", Klaus gretted the man at the hotel desk. "We have a reservation on Mikaelson?"
"Ah, yes. We have been awaiting you!", the man smiled. His name sign told me, he was called Rico.
"You have the room number 134, this is your key. Enjoy your stay Mister and Misses Mikaelson.", Rico grinned and we thanked him before searching for our room. I found it funny that he had assumed we were married but didn't say anything because I was way too exhausted. The chamber itself was pretty decent. It was big and normally, I would've taken a look around but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Instead, I let myself drop onto the bed with a yawn.
"Shouldn't you change before sleeping?", Klaus asked, looking at my tired state while taking his shirt off to wear another one for sleep.
"You don't have to put one on.", I muffled into the pillow. "And yes, I probably should but I don't want to move. Also, I want to keep your shirt on."
"Fair enough.", he chuckled. "At least get rid of your jeans."
"Whatever. Just come to bed.", I told him. "And turn off the lights while you're at it?"
Laughing, he did as he was asked and let me snuggle up to him. We both fell asleep soon after. I didn't have nightmares, maybe because he was with me or perhaps due to the fact that I'd finally told him the truth and had been able to close this certain chapter of my life. Of course, I wasn't complaining.
The next morning, we quickly got ready and drove to the airport to fly the rest of the route. After a few hours, we arrived at our destination and now only had to get a car to pass the rest of the distance until we finally arrived in Mystic Falls.
"This is where we part ways for now.", I said and Klaus instantly shot me a worried look. "Silas can't see us together, remember? Or he'll hurt my friends!"
"Sweetheart, I came here to save them with you, not to abandon you right after arriving.", he told me.
"Klaus, end of discussion.", I sighed, not wanting to fight and vamp speeded off to the Salvatore Mansion.
"Caroline, stop.", Klaus had followed me. "What are you so afraid of?"
"I already told you! My friends and Mum getting hurt!", I groweld at him through my teeth.
"Even though you know I can protect them?", he asked.
"This is Silas we're talking about! And from the fact he has vampires in his clutch, I take it he's not human anymore! He already got inside your head once, who can assure he won't again? And who'll protect his hostages then?", I hissed. I didn't mean to be angry or sound like it but the stress was really getting to me.
"But...", he tried again.
"Klaus, I love you but you have to go!", was the last thing I could say before the door to the Mansion swung open and revealed Silas with an evil grin on his face.
"Caroline! Didn't I tell you to come alone? Why did you decide to bring your hybrid friend? Do you want your family and friends to die?"
Oh-oh. This, was trouble.

Hii everyone! I don't really have much to say this week except the usual so I, of course, hope, you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to the next one?
Until then, have a great week, see ya!

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