Darkness Falls

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Time flew by. Ayana's spell was almost ready and though I was grateful that I could go home soon, I would certainly miss it here.

Rebekah and I had grown to be good friends, and the rest of the family had accepted and taken me in as well.

Klaus and I spent a surprising amount of time together without even intending to. I sat next to him when he was working on his weapons, listened as he told me about hunting and other tricks for survival around here.

We walked around town and I satisfyingly noticed he'd started ignoring Tatia's presence more and more, especially when I was around.

A full moon was approaching and Rebekah told me about the family having to hide in the caves underneath the town to be safe from the werewolves.

I had absolutely nothing against that. I knew what would happen to me if I stayed outside. Death by hungry wolf.

As the sun set, we took shelter in the caves. We slept through the wolves' transformations and as morning arrived, we made our way back upstairs.

But something seemed off. Something wasn't right. We were at Ayana's house when the turn of events revealed themselves to us.

"Mother!" I heard Klaus scream. We didnt hesitate for even a second and ran to the terrified man outside. Klaus was carrying his youngest brother in his arms, the boys body numb.

"Mother!" Klaus yelled again in despair. I knew what would happen next. It couldn't be. Why today? Why was today the day they had decided to sneak out and watch the men turn into wolves?

The stench of blood brought paleness to my friends faces as Klaus put the young Mikaelson on the ground. His siblings and mother came running . I tried hard to suppress tears.

"No! No! What happened?" Esther asked and Klaus sat back heavily breathing. I vamp speeded to his side. No one noticed. They were too concerned about Henrik's well-being.

"The wolves," Klaus wept. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
I placed a hand on his shoulder. He was in so much pain, I just couldn't bear it.

"We must heal him!" Esther panicked. "Please! There must be away."

Ayana, who had followed us, looked at the woman. Her hand was on Henrik's cheek.

"The spirits will not give us a way, Esther. Your boy is gone."
I couldn't hold my tears any longer. My heart ached for all of them, Klaus most of all since hed witnessed his brother's demise. With a gentle touch, I patted Klaus' head and shoulder. Rebekah sat next to us, unable to believe what had happened.

Esther was completely losing it. Their sorrow was unbearable.

I just wanted to be there for the man in front of me. But I wasn't sure what to say. So, I sat there, silent, and hugged him.

I knew what would follow.

It had begun.

And I would have to watch it all.

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