1: Losers

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A/N: By football, I mean soccer, in case any of you get confused :)


"I don't get why you spend so much time with that loser, Tay. What, are you two dating or something?"

I looked up from my phone and at my sister walking beside me, who was now rolling her eyes at my comment. "I'm not dating Luke, you total idiot. How many times do I need to tell you that? I'm not into him, Cal."

"Who would be?" I muttered under my breath, but unfortunately, she heard me. Just my luck.

"What is your problem?" She frowned, stopping abruptly in her tracks to stare me down. I groaned, turning around to face her.

"Nothing, we've had this argument a million times. I just don't like the kid, happy? Can we go now? I've got practice and I'm not going to get late because of you and that loser."

She rolled her eyes again, but did as I asked and continued walking beside me, adjusting the strap of her bag. "I don't know why you have to be like that towards him. He's been my best friend since we were 5, Calum, that's almost 12 years now. Grow up, he's never done anything to you."

I grumbled something, busying myself with my phone again. It's true, my sister and that lanky douche bag Luke Hemmings had been friends for a really long time now, but I've never liked him. There was something about him that irked me so much. Maybe it was the fact that we were polar opposites. He was dorky and studied too much. I, on the other hand, couldn't care less about studying. I did just enough to not get kicked off the school's football team, which would be disastrous seeing as I'm the best player they have. (I don't mean to brag, but come on, everyone knows it's true). But somehow, Taylor and he were friends. Best friends, to be accurate. I don't know how she could deal with him, especially not for over ten years. She just had a thing for charity cases, I guess.

Anywho. It was a cool Saturday morning, and Taylor and I were currently making our way to the school's football court. It was our routine: I would have football practice, and she would meet up with Luke and they would go off to do their own thing. I hated walking places alone so I always made her come along with me, and even though at first she complained, it had now become a sort of unquestioned thing in our schedules. After practice, I would hang out with my friends from the team, so she didn't really need to stick around, though sometimes she did when she wasn't in the mood to socialise.

I could hear her talking to me in the background, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy texting my girlfriend, Olivia, who I know Taylor hates. Why? I don't know. Olivia's hot as hell and the captain of the school's dance team. And yep, I managed to woo her. The whole team was jealous. Haha, sucks for them! What's more is that her sister, who is almost equally as hot, already has a girlfriend. Woops, sorry guys.

Suddenly, someone smacked me on the back of the head. "Calum! Put that damn phone away!"

I shot Taylor an annoyed look. "What's it to you?"

"Ugh, forget about it. Why do I even bother with you?"

I didn't dignify that with a verbal response. Instead, I rolled my eyes and turned back to the words on my phone.

From: Liv
when's the big game? ;)

To: Liv
Tuesday. Will I see u there?

From: Liv
duh, im not gonna miss out on that

To: Liv
good bc I know we're gonna win. ;)

I chuckled, before looking up to see that we had basically reached the school. I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up straighter. When we reached, I said a quick goodbye to Taylor, then walked over to the locker rooms while she walked over to the bleachers where Luke was waiting for her.

As I pushed the door open, someone from inside yelled "There he is!" and I was tackled to the floor. "You're late again!"

I pushed my sandy-haired friend off of me, laughing a bit. "Yeah sorry, my sister was taking forever. Is coach here?"

"You're lucky, mate, he's not," the boy shook his head, standing up and extending a hand to help me. "But he will be soon so you better hurry up."

"Okay, thanks Ash," I nodded. "Is Mikey here?"

"Somewhere," Ashton shrugged, shoving his hands into the pockets of his blue shorts. "Just get dressed, we'll all meet you on the field anyways."

I nodded, and with that, he left the locker rooms. I said hey to all the other guys as I headed to the back to find my other friend, Michael. I was pleasantly surprised to note that his hair colour had changed once again. This time, it was a bright blue, almost too bright to be bearable.

"Sup man," he nodded, looking up from his cleats that he was tying.

"Hey," I nodded back, opening my locker and quickly changing before throwing my clothes in it. I sat down beside him and started busying myself with tying my own cleats when the coach walked in, announcing that we had two minutes to get to the field, or else. I heard Michael gulp and the two of us hurried to tie our second shoe before practically bolting out of the door. When our coach said 'or else,' it could never be something enjoyable.

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