37: Conditions

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A/N: I hate it when you think you're done with a really annoying character and they just come back out of nowhere to fuck shit up again


That evening, in the bus back to Olivia's, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. I was just so incredibly happy. That was the effect Calum had on me.

When I stepped inside, I came face to face with the she-devil herself. Well, I guess she wasn't really a she-devil anymore, but she still scared me to death. I stepped back a bit in surprise but quickly composed myself, sending her a smile before side-stepping her and walking towards the stairs.

"Why are you so happy?" she asked, and I looked at her over my shoulder.

I shrugged. It wasn't really any of her business. "It's just been a good day."

She rolled her eyes before walking away, somewhere in her giant house. I brushed it off, going up to the guest room, dropping my bag on the floor and flopping onto the bed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, opening up my photos. I grinned widely, looking at all the photos we had taken today. Calum had gotten a hold of my phone and had ended up taking about a trillion photos of himself, which I didn't really mind, except that now I had pretty much no more space in my phone for music. Oh well, that's what I get for having an adorable idiot of a boyfriend.

I smiled at the photo of the two of us kissing. I don't think I've ever taken a photo like that. Sure, I've had boyfriends before Calum - two, to be precise - but as you can probably guess, none of them really worked out that well. None of them made me quite as happy as Calum did so effortlessly. They were more of a burden than anything else, and definitely not worth my time.

Not the way Calum was so utterly worth every minute of my day. I just needed to remind myself of that more often.


I wasn't sure how the next day was going to play out, so I went about my morning as usual. But when Calum saw me enter the school, his face broke out into a huge grin and he left his group of friends, quickly walking over to me before Taylor could notice.

"Hey Lukey," he grinned, leaning forward and pecking my lips quickly before interlocking our fingers. "I'm so glad you're not ignoring me anymore."

"Eh, been there, done that. It doesn't really live up to the hype, you know?" I giggled, and he just rolled his eyes playfully, dragging me back to his group of friends.

"Hey guys look, Cake is back!" Michael paused in adjusting his snapback to laugh at us, and I gave Calum a confused look.


"Don't ask," Ashton rolled his eyes. "Mikey's just weird."

"Don't be mean!" Michael frowned, causing Taylor to laugh. Damn, I hadn't even noticed her there - where did she come from?

"Seriously though, when did this happen?" Taylor asked, gesturing to our intertwined hands.

"Yesterday," I smiled shyly, blushing as I remembered how exactly it happened. Calum just laughed, letting go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders.

Taylor raised one eyebrow, giving me a look before rolling her eyes. I knew she didn't want to get into it, but I was going to get a lot of questions during the day.

We all talked for a little longer, until the bell rung, announcing that we had to head off to our first class of the morning. We parted ways, Calum giving me a kiss on the cheek before he bounced off with Ashton. I laughed, turning around and shaking my head as I walked down the hallway, completely oblivious to all the eyes on me.

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Where stories live. Discover now