28: Recollections

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no I'm sorry you're not bitches I love you a lot xx


Sweaty bodies, loud music and alcohol. All you need to forget the numbness inside.

I wish it was easy to follow your own advice, because right now I was beating myself up for what happened to Luke. It was my fault. I promised to protect him. I promised to keep him from harm's way.

And now, he was in a hospital bed, and I was at the other end of the country, downing a line of shots.

"Calum! Calum!" The cheering was buzzing in my ear and my face was contorted into an involuntary grin. I wiped my mouth and threw my hands up. Everyone was cheering. Shit, why was everyone so blurry?

I stumbled back into the living room where the music was coming from. It was loud in my ears, but I couldn't care less.

"Here mate!" someone yelled, and an ice cold bottle was thrusted into my hand.

"Thanks man!" I yelled out to whoever it was, snapping open the bottle and taking a swig of the beer.

They say some people drink to remember, and others drink to forget.

I didn't know which one I was. I was drinking to figure out what I felt towards myself. I was drinking away the numbness, the self-loathing that I've never had to deal with before today.

The next thing I knew, I had downed another beer and I recognised no one in the crowd. It was a blur of unfamiliar, unfriendly faces.

One thing I could make out was a girl coming way too close for me. Her perfume was overwhelming, making me feel even more lightheaded.

"Hey there," she winked, but up close she looked like a two headed monster.

I backed up, shaking my head. "Leave me alone."

"Babe, I'm not going to hurt you."

Something triggered inside me and I suddenly became overwhelmed by everything around me. "Where's Luke?" I panicked. I looked around frantically, trying to find my blue eyed boyfriend.

"He's gone, Calum. He's never coming back."

My eyes widened and I shook my head, my knuckles turning white from my grip on the bottle. "No, no, I need him, I need Luke."

To my dismay, she laughed, running her hand up and down my arm. "I can take you to him if you want."

"Can you? Please?"

"Sure, come with me."

Her grip on my wrist was too tight, nothing like Luke's. But she said she'd take me to him, and I needed Luke right now.

She dragged me to an empty bedroom, and even in my drunken state I could tell Luke wasn't there.

"Where's Luke?" I asked, but she just laughed, pushing me onto the bed. I sat down, my head spinning as I looked up at her.

"He's coming. He told you to wait here."

The next thing I knew, there was a weight on my lap and lips pressed to mine. I moved my lips along with theirs, glad to have Luke back, but when I lifted my hand to run through his hair, I realised something was wrong. This person's hair was way too long and tangly to be my boyfriend's.

I pushed the person away, my eyes wide. "You're not Luke."

"Don't worry," she laughed, kissing down my neck. It felt wrong. I didn't like it at all. "He'll be here just now."

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Where stories live. Discover now