11: Attention

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A/N: OH MY GOD IM BACK!! I'm never taking internet for granted ever again.

I was really tired while writing this and it's a bit of a filler, but eh.


I knew Taylor had something up her sleeve. The whole night, she was bouncing up and down, cheering louder than she ever had before, and obviously who wouldn't be suspicious of that?

But I never would've imagined what she actually had planned.

I looked up at Calum, who was sitting beside me on the bleachers with his arm around my waist. I noticed him turning to look at me, so I busied myself with playing with my sleeves.

"Luke?" he said, poking my side gently.

I lifted my head up, his warm brown eyes locked on mine, and hummed questioningly in response.

"I want you to know that I'm really really sorry for everything that happened between us before this... However wrong it is, it was so much easier to hate you for no reason than to accept the way I feel towards you..."

I smiled, grabbing my courage with both hands and kissing his cheek. "I forgive you."

"Why?" he asked, taking one of my hands in his. "I'm really fucking glad you did, don't get me wrong, but... Why did you forgive me?"

"Well," I smiled shyly, looking down and trying to fight the blush creeping on my cheeks. "I've liked you for months now, actually. And well, how could I not? You did all that just for me, knowing the consequences fully well, but you still did it just for a loser."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry I always called you that. You're not a loser, alright? You're amazing." he brought my hand up and kissed the back of it gently, causing me to blush for the bazillionth time that night. "You're amazing and you've got these beautiful eyes and a gorgeous smile and don't get me started on that laugh... There's a lot of amazing things about you, Luke. Please let me be the one to show you... Let me be the one to prove my old self wrong."

I broke out into the biggest smile I could possibly muster, this time pulling him closer and attaching my lips to his. I wanted to give him that chance and I wanted to believe the words he was telling me.

As I pulled away, he kissed my nose and I blushed, looking away. Honestly? I was scared. This was what I had wanted, of course, but I never thought I would ever get it. And now that I had this amazing boy in my arms, I couldn't help but be scared. Scared that this was all just a joke, or a bad dream.

Bad dream? Good dream? I don't know. All I did know was that this felt completely surreal, and I didn't want it to end. But somehow, I knew this wasn't the end of my problems with Calum. In fact, I felt like this was only just the beginning. Maybe this time it'll be easier, but maybe his new found feelings for me will only complicate this even more.

Calum walked me home that night and kissed me on the front steps. I couldn't help the grin that was practically superglued to my face from the time I stepped inside to the time I slipped away into dreamland.

However, the smile faded the minute I stepped into school the next day. People who wouldn't even look at me twice were now glaring at me as I walked down the hall, trying to make myself seem small. As I walked to my locker, I noticed Calum walking towards me and I shot him a smile before busying myself with opening my locker. Only mere seconds later, his arm was around my waist and his lips against my cheek. I turned to look at him, a blush painting my face.

"Good morning babe," he grinned, leaning forwards and kissing my nose.

"'Morning," I mumbled, looking down and grinning shyly.

He let his hand slip from my waist to then grab my own hand, intertwining our fingers. "How are you?"

"I'm, uh, I'm good," I nodded, looking past him to see a group of girls mumbling under their breath as they threw me daggers. I gulped and brought my eyes back to Calum's face. "Yeah. I'm good."

"You sure?" he frowned, bringing his other hand and placing it on my cheek gently.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine... People are just staring. I'm not used to it."

He chuckled slightly, still grinning. "One of the perks of dating me, don't worry, you'll get used to it," he explained with a wink. "See you later?"

Before even waiting for a verbal reply he was off, heading to whatever class he had. I just stood there, blinking, taking in what he had just said. "One of the perks of dating me"? Cocky bastard.

At the time, I didn't think much of it. I just rolled my eyes, grabbed the necessary books out of my locker and headed to my first period class, which happened to be Maths that day.

But as the day progressed, I was growing more and more self-conscious due to the fact that there was always someone staring at me. I didn't like it. This wasn't how it was meant to be. Lanky, dorky Luke was not supposed to be getting this much attention, and there was a reason: I just can't take it. I couldn't concentrate on my classes because people were always trying to talk to me, mainly just to ask me about upcoming parties or to talk about Calum. I only started dating him yesterday, for god's sake!

Calum had sat with Taylor and I for lunch, which basically means Calum, Ashton, Michael and all the "popular" kids were at the same table as us. Honestly, to go from one other person to 20+ people was quite a challenge. Definitely a challenge that I did not want to do again. I don't even know how we fit 20 people at our table; there were so many girls sitting on the guys' laps that there might've been more than 20. I don't really want to know.

And that was precisely why I was slipping through the back doors to be able to leave in peace. It wasn't a secret that these doors existed but hardly anyone ever used them, which made them the perfect way to escape the inevitable questioning that Calum was probably going through right now - and most likely enjoying.

I texted Taylor telling her where I was, but I think she might've realised that I just wanted a break from all the attention because all she answered with was a "get home safe & txt me later :)".

However, I didn't text Calum. What was I to say? "Went out the back door so you wouldn't be seen with me"? No, that kind of defeated the purpose.

On the walk back home, I put my phone on silent as I had my music blaring in my ears. As I listened to some Simple Plan song or the other, I tried to block out everything that happened today. From some random girl asking me if I had a brother to the guys on the football team giving me weird looks, I didn't want to remember any of it.

Then, Calum's words came back to my mind. "One of the perks of dating me". He called this a perk? I called this a downside. But it wouldn't be fair for him if I told him I didn't like it. I can't just wish away his popularity and reputation, and even if I could, I don't think I would because of how much it means to him. Just because he's dating a loser like me doesn't mean he has to sink down to my level, and I understood that perfectly.

Jeez. Who knew dating Calum freaking Hood would be this taxing? I certainly didn't. I honestly didn't know what I was signing up for, and now that I had, I wasn't sure I liked it all that much...

As I stepped into my empty house, a plan on how to get rid of all this attention came to my mind. It wasn't the best of plans, but it would have to do for now until I found a better plan. I played the whole thing out in my head as I kicked off my shoes and headed to my room, mulling over my ideas. They would stop people from staring... Or at least, I hope.

A/N: so yes I just got back to proper, high speed, FUNCTIONING internet. I'm really sorry about this shitty chapter, btw.

Also! 1K reads, holy shit! <3 I read every single one of your comments (even though I don't always reply), and just THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're all so sweet and I love you guys so much! You guys are tha bomb dot com, ya feel? Thank you for the lovely feedback :) <3 stay amazing!

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن