19: Realisation

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A/N: you know what I hate? When writers on here are rude little shits to their readers. Like damn, if people want you to update you should be flattered and not pissed off idk. It gets me mad.

Other than that is anyone else not feeling autumn-y this year or is that just me?


It had been three and a half months. Three months since Olivia got the message that Calum wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, which was wonderful, but also three months since Calum told me he loved me. That, on the other hand, was less wonderful.

"Don't get me wrong, Tay," I sighed, looking over at my best friend. We were currently having one of our infamous and way overdue sleepovers at my house, and I had just told her about Calum's confession. "I really, really care for Cal, a lot. I just..." I sighed. "Maybe I love him. I don't know. It's just not the right time yet. I want to tell him when I'm completely sure, you know?"

Taylor nodded, crossing her legs as she shifted around on my bed, trying to get comfortable. "I get what you mean, and I think you're smart for waiting."

"You do?" I asked quietly, slightly surprised. "You're not annoyed that I'm leaving your brother hanging?"

She just shrugged. "Let's face it, I have a soft spot for you that I don't have for Calum. Plus, it's better that you leave him hanging than if you rush into things. Trust me, it just ruins things."

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"He's not... He's not pressuring you into saying it back, is he?" she asked quietly, looking at me with a concerned expression. "Like... He's not... Expecting it from you or anything?"

"Don't worry," I shook my head frantically. "Absolutely not."

"Okay, that's good," she nodded, looking at the posters on my walls instead of at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, tilting my head to the side slightly. She only ever stared so intently at my posters when she was upset or didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

She shook her head, bringing her brown eyes that were so much like Calum's back to me. "Never mind, it's not important. Um..." she bit her lip slightly before smiling. "You know, I never would have imagined how great a couple you and Calum would be."

I blushed furiously at that, letting out a nervous chuckle. "You think we're a great couple?"

She nodded eagerly, a grin on her face. "I really do. I mean, I know the two of you so well, and wow... There's a huge difference between how you guys were before you got together, and after."

"Bad difference?" I asked.

"Of course not! You're both... Happier," she shrugged. "I see you smiling and walking more confidently, and... I don't know. You're both so genuinely happy to just be with one another, and it's just... It's actually amazing. Seeing you two happy makes me really happy. It's great."

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night, and even into the early hours of the morning.


Two nights later, I was sitting on my couch, waiting anxiously for the doorbell to ring. I could hear my dad and his girlfriend talking in the kitchen, and smiled slightly, remembering what Taylor had told me.

Finally, not a minute later, the doorbell rang. I rushed to the door but apparently my dad was faster. Who knew?

"Calum! Good to see you," my dad grinned, enthusiastically shaking his hand.

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