26: Promises

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A/N: apologies for mistakes in the previous chapter, I'm too awkward to re-read it

Also the video is my dad's band's first music video and I'm so happy for him! (Also I'm "playing" drums in it so that's pretty cool)


"I'm going to take you out for dinner tonight."

I almost choked on the water I had been drinking, looking up from my phone at my brown haired boyfriend in disbelief. "You're what?"

He chuckled, sitting down beside me at the counter. "I have it all arranged. There's no way in hell I'm leaving without taking you out."

"Guess you're not leaving," I shrugged, smiling cheekily at him.

He rolled his eyes before leaning over and kissing my cheek. "Tempting as that is, you know I have to."

I pouted, and he sighed, pulling my chair closer to his. "It'll be okay. Just about three months until summer. Please let me take you out tonight."

I sighed. I knew I wasn't going to win this fight so I wasn't even going to bother arguing. "Where?"

He broke out into a grin, leaning forwards and capturing my lips in a quick kiss. "Somewhere on the outskirts of town. No one you know will see you, I promise you."

I nodded, biting my lip. His grin didn't meet his eyes, and I was slightly worried but I brushed it off. "Okay."

I looked back at my phone, sighing as he padded away. I didn't want him to leave, because Calum leaving meant school starting again, and I sure as hell did not want to go back there. I had forgotten what it was like to be at school and I didn't want to be reminded.

But I really had no choice.

I had talked to my dad but he was refusing to transfer me out of that school, insisting that it couldn't possibly be that bad since I had managed to make a friend.

Yeah dad. One person totally represents the whole student body. You've nailed it.

I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to have sarcastic inner monologues. My best friends - and boyfriend, mind you - were leaving early tomorrow morning and I couldn't waste our last full day together just moping around. It had been an amazing week, I wasn't going to let my sadness overshadow it.

I slid off my chair and walked into the living room, finding Ashton staring at Jenna and intently listening to what she was saying while Michael and Taylor argued over some video game or the other, and Calum just sitting on the couch. I sat down beside him, taking his hand in mine.

"Hey loverboy!" Taylor giggled as I sat down. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"The game, Tay!" Michael cried, and this time she rolled her eyes, turning back to the tv.

We watched them for a bit before Calum leaned over and whispered, "Hey, Luke?"


"Do you really want to go out somewhere for dinner?"

I shrugged, biting my lip as I looked over at him. "Yeah, why not? As long as I'm spending time with you, it doesn't really matter. Might as well go out you know, even though I'd rather just sit here and watch tv with you, because I don't want to be stuck with a whining Mikey."

He giggled, and I squeezed his hand, happy to see him happy. "Okay."

After a few minutes, Calum got up and asked Taylor to follow him. I frowned, but he just smiled at me.

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Where stories live. Discover now