6: Confusion

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A/N: my friend said she's gonna buy me 5sos tickets for their us tour in 2015 help I'm emotional

This chapter is dedicated to cuddlyhemmx because I REALLY LIKE DEDICATING CHAPTERS TO AWESOME PEOPLE


The next morning, I woke up with an awful headache. Last night I had somehow managed to stumble away from Michael's house and back to my own in one piece and without my parents finding out that I wasn't with Taylor. That was honestly the only part of the night I would have called a success.

The rest was a mess.

I groaned, pulling the sheets up over my head as I thought about what went down the night before. I hadn't meant to kiss Luke, I really hadn't. I just wanted to flirt with him to spite Taylor. But now, laying in my bed, the sheets over my head and my legs sore, I realised how stupid that sounded. Who the hell flirts with their sister's best friend to spite them? Especially when their sister's best friend was the biggest dork they had ever met?

I didn't want to think about it, but I couldn't help it. I was replaying the scene in my head over and over again, trying to understand what had come over me. Flirting with Luke Hemmings is one thing, but then kissing him? A complete other thing. For one, it caused me and my reputation a lot of harm: Olivia had broken up with me, and Michael and Ashton had taken Luke's defence, outing that I was the one who had kissed him and not the other way around. Another thing was that I would never be able to live this down. Not in school, but at home. Taylor would never let me forget this.

My mind wandered from Taylor to Luke. Hopefully I won't have to see him until Monday, because that would be really awkward.

I mentally slapped myself. Calum Hood, awkward? Impossible. I didn't do awkward. Awkward doesn't get you anywhere. And why should I be awkward around Luke? Luke, out of all people? Sure, I kissed him. So what? I still despise him.

But... You don't usually kiss the person you hate, do you? Unless you're desperate, I guess. I'm nowhere near desperate. If I do say so myself, I know there's a decent amount of people who would want to kiss me. So out of all people, why did I have to kiss Luke?

I remember what I told him right before I kissed him. "You've got beautiful eyes." That was such a sappy thing to say. Flirting is one thing, sappiness is another. I mean... Why didn't I just settle with "nice eyes"? Did I really have to go all out and use "beautiful"? Well, I can't say it's a lie. He has these really bright, blue eyes that I never really noticed before and-

Wait, no. How could I possibly be thinking these things?

I groaned loudly, throwing the sheets off of myself. I was driving myself insane with all these thoughts. I had too many questions that only I could answer, but the answers just didn't make sense.

I shook my head, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and getting up but immediately regretting that decision. I sat back down, grabbing my phone and unlocking it. It was almost 2pm. How did I manage to sleep so long?

I had a ton of unread text messages but I just didn't feel like dealing with them right now. Sighing, I attempted to stand up again and got dressed. As I stepped out of my room, I heard laughing and chattering coming from down the hall, where the kitchen was. I frowned. How could people be so cheery, so early in the day?

I padded down the hallway, yawning and stretching as I stepped onto the cold tiles making up the kitchen floor. The laughing died almost immediately, and as soon as I opened my brown eyes, they met a pair of painfully familiar blue ones. I tore my gaze away a second later, coughing slightly to break the tension.

My mum, who previously had her back facing me, turned to me with a smile on her face. "Good morning, slept well?"

"You can say that," I shrugged, sitting down and looking everywhere except where Luke and Taylor were sitting. The tension was almost suffocating, but I tried my best to ignore it.

"Well, Luke and I are done, thanks Mum," Taylor announced quickly. I heard plates clattering and footsteps leaving the kitchen, and I dared looking in that direction when I was sure that they were out of the room.

"What happened to them?" My mum asked, looking over at me.

I shrugged. "No idea," I lied.

She gave me a look, knowing fully well that I was lying, but she didn't push it. Thank you, mum.

Instead, she slid a plate of food in front of me and explained, "Everyone had lunch already, but we saved you some."

"Thanks," I chuckled, taking a bite. I hadn't realised how hungry I was before that, and practically devoured the food in front of me.

"Calm down, Calum!" my mom laughed. "You're acting like you haven't eaten in centuries!"

"I feel like it," I answered through a mouthful of scrambled eggs.

She laughed, turning around and busying herself with god knows what. My mum was literally incapable of taking a minute to do nothing. She always had to be either working or cleaning, just anything to keep her hands occupied. "How was the party?"

I gulped, suddenly feeling slightly sick. "Uh, it was, yeah, it was okay."

"You don't sound convinced..."

"Oh, it was a bit boring," I lied again. Goddammit, I hated lying to her. "Not much happened."

"Really? Your sister said that you and Olivia broke up."

Dammit Taylor. "Oh, uh, yeah, but it's really whatever. Did she say anything else?"

My mum turned around, raising her eyebrows at my nervous tone. "No... Should she?"

"No, no, not at all," I answered quickly, shaking my head. "It just wasn't really pretty when Olivia and I broke up."

"Oh, she mentioned that," my mum nodded, turning back to what she had been doing before. "She said it was a bit of a weird night."

"You're telling me," I grumbled.

I forced myself to finish my food, then put my plate in the sink and slipped out of the kitchen quickly before my mum made me actually do the dishes. As I walked past Taylor's room, I noticed that the door wasn't fully closed, which was really odd. She was so obsessive about these things. 'No, this has to go to the left and not to the right, the door has to always be closed, blah blah'. It annoyed me to no end.

I heard talking from inside the room, and I was just going to walk past when I heard my name. Ah, now I was intrigued.

"I don't want to get back at him," Luke was saying. "I don't care. I just want to forget it..."

"He was a bit of a dick to you," Taylor pointed out, and I sighed slightly. She was right, and everyone knew it.

"It's fine," Luke insisted. "I just want this to be done with. Ashton defended me anyways."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why did he sound so upset? I mean, yeah okay, I did kind of try to frame him, and his name was pretty clear as compared to mine, but yet he sounded disappointed. I knew I should just leave and stop eavesdropping on their conversation, but I didn't. Instead, I moved to the side slightly, so that if they looked out, they wouldn't see me standing at the door.

Taylor was laughing. "I don't get it."

"What don't you get?"

"You, and your little cru- Ow, goddammit!"

I rolled my eyes as I listened to my sister whine about how she stubbed her toe into her desk, completely forgetting what she had been saying before. I was weirdly intrigued. I kept listening as her yelps died down, and she was about to start talking again when she noticed that the door was open. She closed it with a click and I groaned. The rooms were pretty soundproof, so it was no use sticking around, I wouldn't be able to hear much.

As I stepped back into my room, a sudden thought hit me. Why hadn't Luke pulled away when he had the chance?

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