5: Truth

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A/N: Ayooo it's almost 4am and I have no friends so I updated instead

Should I continue this? Idk it felt like a good idea at first and now it just feels like "no one's reading anyways so naaah" but yaaah let me know


I didn't know where I was going, but at this point I didn't care. I had bolted out of the house as soon as the attention was taken away from me, and I hadn't stopped running until I had turned the block and crossed the street. Now, I was just walking, slightly breathless and shivering, tears threatening to fall but I wasn't going to give them that satisfaction. It wasn't a cold night, but it really wasn't warm, either. I shoved my hands in my pocket in an attempt to keep my body warm and felt my phone vibrating.

I didn't answer it. I knew it was Taylor - who else would it be? - but I just needed time to think about what had just happened.

Calum had kissed me. Calum Hood, one of the most attractive guys I had ever laid my eyes on, had kissed plain old me. I still felt the ghost of his lips, even though I desperately wished I didn't. He had kissed me for a reason, a reason that wasn't because he liked me.

I sat down on a bench in front of a café that had closed many hours ago, trying to make something of the situation. I pulled my hands out of my pockets and ran them through my hair, tugging at it slightly in frustration. What hurt wasn't that Calum had kissed me for no real reason - hell, I honestly could have lived with just being a drunken kiss. So no, that wasn't what hurt. What hurt was what had come afterwards. Why did he blame me? What was he trying to do? I've never done anything to him apart from fall for him!

It was way too much for me to process in one night. I felt angry tears sliding down my cheeks. Was he trying to frame me, shame me, or anything along those lines? It wasn't exactly a secret that I was gay, but his mind was too wrapped up in his own little existence, I didn't think he knew. Did he even know?

I pulled out my phone to check the time, ignoring the bazillion messages from Taylor. It was almost 2:30am. 2:30am and I'm sitting on some sidewalk, blocks away from home and tears streaming down my face. Way to go Luke!

It was only a matter of minutes until I decided to text Taylor and tell her where I was. She was there within the next five minutes, hugging me close, and that's when I tore apart at the seams.

I held her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder. "It's not fair Tay! I- I didn't do anything to him, wh-why did he have to blame it on me?" I choked out through sobs. "I- And he was telling me all these things and I- I'm an idiot but I believed him and T- Taylor I think I like him but I- I wish I didn't and maybe he was j- just making fun of me you know? Because I'm j- just a weird gay loser with a- a crush on his b- best friend's brother and it- it doesn't make sense and it's not fair!"

All during the time I was sobbing, she didn't say anything apart from a comforting "shh" every once in a while and a lot of back rubs. Finally, my sobs had subsided and I was just hiccuping, my forehead still leaning on her shoulder. She pushed me away slightly so that she could look at me, and wiped my face.

"You're not a loser, Luke," she sighed. "No, you're not the most popular guy around, but I'm not the most popular girl around either. That's just not who we are. But you're not a loser. Well, I guess we're all losers anyways, but you know what I'm trying to say."

I pulled my sleeve up over my knuckles and wiped my face with it, shaking my head. "That's really the only thing you're lecturing me about?"

She chuckled. "Let's go home first. Right now we're two crying drunk teenagers on a sidewalk way past midnight, I don't think it's a good place to talk about this."

I just shrugged. She stood up first, extending her hand out to me. I stood up, feeling weak and tired, and practically fell back down into the bench. She rolled her eyes, picking me back up and looping an arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry I ruined tonight," I sniffled, looking over at my brown haired best friend who was now shaking her head.

"No, Luke, you didn't ruin anything," she sighed. "Cal did. I can't believe him..."

I sighed as well, trying my best to concentrate on the sidewalk and not to let my mind wander back to Calum. It had been a terrible night and all I wanted was to get home.

"I'd ask you to sleepover," she mumbled as we approached her house, "but I don't know if you'd want to."

"I'm really tired," I confessed. "I don't even know if I can walk home in this state."

She laughed. "That settles it."

We climbed up the steps to her house and she unlocked the door, ushering me in quietly before closing the door behind her. We quietly tiptoed to her room, where she flipped on the light and I practically collapsed onto her bed.

"Oi sleepy head, I know you're tired but you can't sleep in skinnys," she pointed out, walking over to her cupboard and throwing me a pair of shorts and her extra large Green Day shirt to wear for the night. Taylor dressed like a guy all the time anyways, so it wasn't like she was giving me girl clothes to wear. Anyways, I was used to it. "Go change first, I'll make the sleeping bag."

I nodded, too tired to speak, and stepped into the bathroom. I washed my face lazily and changed into the clothes she always gave me when I came to sleep over unprepared, and folded my other clothes. I stepped out of the bathroom, putting my old clothes down on her desk chair, and turned to look at her. She was sitting on the sleeping bag, texting someone furiously. When we were younger we used to be small enough to share her bed, but now she claims that my legs were too long and that I kicked too much. Oh well, her loss! I got more space.

"Who you texting?" I grumbled sleepily, climbing into her bed adorned with various stuffed animals and burrowing myself in the comforter. Why she insisted on keeping her room as cold as the Arctic was beyond me.

She rolled her eyes. "My idiot of a brother."

"Oh," I answered, rolling over so that my back was facing her.

I heard her sigh. "Hey Luke?"

I grumbled in response.

"Calum... I'm sorry about what he did. It's just drunk Calum. I don't know why he blamed all of it on you, though, it's unlike him..."

"Maybe because I'm a guy," I muttered, and she sighed.

"That's not the case. Drunk Calum doesn't really care what you are as long as you're hot. But... Do you... Do you really like him?"

I turned back around so I was facing her, and bit my lip. She was looking up at me with a perplexed expression. "Yeah... I think I really do."

"How long has it been?" she asked.

"Um... 3 months, maybe? I don't really know..."

She nodded, then sighed, smiling slightly. "You have really low standards. But... Look, Luke, whatever Calum said... He wasn't thinking straight. I don't know why he blamed it on you. Don't read too much into it, okay? He's... He's not a bad person. He acts like a dick but I don't think he was trying to hurt you internationally. I don't think he knows what he was doing. Just... Don't beat yourself up about something he said, okay?"

I nodded slightly, only partially convinced. "Alright. I'll try."

She smiled slightly, before getting up and turning off the light. I watched as she used her phone to guide her back to the sleeping bag. "Good night, Taylor."

"Good night, Luke. I'm sorry again."

I sighed. I'm sorry, too, for having a crush on the most unworthy person ever.

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ