10: Awestruck

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A/N: is it "smitten by you" or "smitten with you" idk #therealquestions

I know I said I wasn't gonna be able to update soon but I haven't left yet and I absolutely had to write this chapter :3 enjoy lovelies!


"This is the final game of the season, guys!" Coach all but yelled, causing us all to wince. "So I don't want you guess to do anything less than your best!"

He always got this pumped before our final game of the season. However, little did everyone know that this would be my final game with this team. After Taylor's plan gets put into action, I know coach is going to kick me off the team.

Surprisingly, I didn't care. I really didn't care. I had proven myself enough on this team, and now I had to prove myself to Luke.

"Okay guys, let's do this!" Timothy, the team captain, yelled.

We get into our starting positions, and I looked over at the bleachers. The whole school had come out, but I was only looking for one face that I luckily found in the place he's supposed to be. Taylor was sitting beside him and grinning at me, nudging him. He looked really annoyed and nervous, and I sighed.

The whistle blew, and I directed all my attention to it. I needed to win. I needed a reason for the attention to be on me, but not for the reason I usually craved it.

1 goal. My heart was beating out of my chest. I looked over at the bleachers quickly, but that was enough to tell that Luke wasn't looking at me.

I sighed and directed my attention back to the game.

2 to none for us, and Luke was still avoiding my gaze.

2-1. Goddammit.

2-2. Come on Calum, step up your game. You have a reason to win this.

I put my all into the game and at the last second, the ball hit the netting of the opposite goal. The roar of the crowd was defending, my team was cheering... And Luke was nowhere to be seen on the bleachers. Good, that meant Taylor was working.

Students and parents crowded around my team. We were all cheering, all screaming, and suddenly a blonde head, taller than the most, made itself seen. I grinned even wider.

"Hey look who's here!" Michael yelled. He had no idea of the plan, but he was following it to the tee. "Calum's boyfriend!"

Everyone started laughing, except Luke and I, who were both blushing furiously.

Out of the blue, the crowd parted slightly to my left, and Taylor rushed to me, shoving a mic in my hand. She winked at me quickly before pulling Mikey, whispering something to him, and the crowd of people surrounding us suddenly felt so much less suffocating. People were still all around us, but I had space to move and breath. You know like those fight circles? When everyone crowds around two people fighting, far enough not to get hit but close enough to see? That's kind of how it was. The lights that were illuminating the whole field suddenly dimmed, shining the brightest right on the centre of the circle, where Luke and I were standing, two meters apart.

I cleared my throat. Luke tried to back away, visibly confused, but Taylor pushed him back, giving him a reassuring smiles. People were whispering all around us, wondering what could possibly be going on.

I brought the mic up to my lips and let out a shaky breath. "Hey guys," I started, slightly uncomfortable hearing my voice coming the speakers all around the field. "I know you all are probably wondering what the hell's going on. Well, let me explain it to you."

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