17: Surprises

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A/N: Luke's POV again sorry not sorry


To say I felt like shit the next morning would be an understatement. I slept through my alarm, and my dad had tried to wake me up but I only grumbled something and rolled back onto my stomach.

When I finally got the courage to get my head out from under the duvet, it was 11am. No way was I heading to school at this time. So I decided to just lay in bed the whole day because really, I had no energy to do anything other than sleep and eat.

Around 12:30, I checked my phone for the first time in what seemed like forever, and I was surprised to see, that for once, Taylor wasn't the only one who had texted. No, I had missed calls, voicemails and text messages from pretty much everyone, including a call from an unknown number. I sighed. I wasn't going to call anyone back but I'd check the messages just to see if I had missed anything important.

From: Tay

where be you?


I swear u little stick insect you better answer me soon

I will eviscerate you

seriously Luke I'm getting worried

I'm gonna come & make you lunch

that means cup noodles for lunch


Oh god. I should've expected it. Every time I stay home Taylor ends up showing up during our lunch period and making me cup noodles, and we watch an episode of Doctor Who or half a movie before she heads back to school. It started when we were in year 8 and I jokingly told her to come over and cook for me because I was feeling too sick to cook for myself.

Taylor being Taylor took me seriously and showed up at my house with her lunch box which we shared while watching half of Monsters Inc. And now it had become a tradition!

I checked the time quickly. 12:32, crap. That meant she was already on her way and probably would be here very soon. Even though I just wanted to wallow in my worries alone today, I wasn't going to send her back to school now.

I dropped my phone onto my bed, ignoring the rest of the messages she and others had sent me, and headed straight to my cupboard. I pulled on my "Destroy Yourself See Who Gives A Fuck" tank top and a random pair of shorts before practically running downstairs. However, she seemed to be running late, because I had enough time to read the note my dad had left for me on the fridge and then go back upstairs to do my hair properly before hearing the doorbell ring.

I answered the door with a grin, but that smile quickly dropped when I saw who it was.

"Why are you here?"



"Wait, why do I need to talk to Luke?"

"I've tried calling him," Ashton sighed. "But he hasn't answered."

"And he didn't answer any of my texts," Michael nodded.

We were walking to our second period class and they were insisting that I get in touch with Luke, since it appeared that he wasn't in school today.

"I didn't even know you guys had his number," I remarked, raising an eyebrow. "But why are... What's the big deal? Maybe he overslept."

Ashton frowned at me, pulling at my arm to bring me to a halt. "Wait. Do you not know what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, but my attention drifted from him to someone behind him. Olivia.

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