12: Coldness

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A/N: I just want to hug Michael Clifford, is that too much to ask for? :((( ALSO ELLIOTT GRUENBERG FAVOURITED MY TWEET, IS THIS REAL LIFE?


"Is it true that you're dating Luke Hemmings?"

I groaned. I had been asked that question at least 20 times since the start of the day, and frankly I was sick of answering it. With a sigh, I turned around to face the person who had spoken, which turned out to be a really tall girl with glasses who I recognised from my History class. I hadn't ever spoken to her, and I didn't even know her name, but I was pretty sure I saw her at the game yesterday, which confused me.

"Nah, I just asked him to be my boyfriend and he said yes, but we're not dating or anything," I shrugged, before rolling my eyes. She had a blank expression on her face, clearly not catching on to my sarcasm. "Yes, I'm dating Luke."

I'm dating Luke. Every time I said that sentence, it gave me butterflies, I'm not going to lie. It was great.

But the girl in front of me obviously did not think so. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as she took a step back. "I didn't know you were... Gay."

She said the word gay as if it was the worst word she could ever utter, and the expression she made along with it only confirmed my suspicions. I simply sighed. "I'm not gay, I swing both ways."

"That's unnatural," she shook her head. "It's a sin."

"Oh good grief," I groaned, rubbing my temple. "Dressing the way you do should be a sin, too. And your face definitely looks pretty unnatural with all that goddamn makeup. You don't see me bitching about it, do you?"

"Makeup is one thing, dating someone of the same gender is another," she insisted.

"Agh, do us all a favour and keep your damn opinions where the sun don't shine," I snapped, before walking away. I really wasn't in the mood to argue with someone like her.

At lunch, I sat with Luke. I wanted it to just be the two of us, but of course, that was pretty much impossible. Luke looked pretty uncomfortable and I wanted to reassure him, but I think I got too caught up with everyone else to realise how little time I had, and when I was about to scoot a little closer to him, the bell had already rung and he was off. And after lunch, it almost seemed like Luke was on a mission to ignore me.

I even waited for him after school at the doors until I was certain I was the last one left in school. I had asked everyone if they had seen him, but no luck. Finally, I decided to start walking home alone. I pulled out my phone, hoping that he had texted me, but I was sad to see that he hadn't. Did he just disappear into thin air? 

I typed out a short "hey where did u go? xx" and sent it to him, keeping my phone in my hand the rest of the way home just in case he texted me back. If you were wondering, he didn't.

Taylor was sitting in the living room, playing some X-Men game. She barely looked up when I passed by, but gave me a weird look when I sat down on the couch behind her. I watched her play for a bit, anxiously looking at my phone every few seconds, before speaking up. "Have you heard from Luke?"

She jumped in surprise, turning around to give me an angry look before focusing on her game. "No, I haven't. Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, but he's your best friend," I groaned. "You haven't heard anything?"

"Nope," she answered, not looking away from the screen for even a second. "Why?"

"I waited for him after school and I-" my phone vibrating cut me off. A huge grin broke out on my face when I saw that Luke texted me. "Never mind! He just texted me."

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