39: Beginning

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A/N: This story went from #447 to #297 in Fanfiction in two nights, I love you guys so much


I woke up the next morning, stretching and rolling over onto my back. I must've miscalulated the size of the bed, because the next thing I knew, I had fallen to the floor with a loud thud. I groaned, rolling onto my side as I rubbed the back of my head.

Suddenly, I heard Taylor groaned from the other side of the room. "Calum, get out of my room!"

I jumped at the sound of her voice, confused at where it was coming from. "Taylor, what are you-"

And that's when I remembered. I was home. I was finally in a place I could honestly call home.

"Oh, it's you," she muttered from her side of the room. I heard the sheets shuffling, and knew all too well that she had turned over and fallen back asleep. Typical.

I lay with my back against on the cold ground, not really minding all that much as I stared up at the posters on the ceiling. Sure, I had woken up underneath them plenty times. I had seen many different posters on the ceiling throughout the years; they had changed and evolved along with us.

But somehow, this morning, waking up underneath them felt completely different. It was a new, strange, but definitely good feeling. I felt like I actually belonged, like I could just lay here and look at them all day without anyone finding it out of the ordinary. It was a strange feeling that I couldn't really put into words, but I loved it.

After a few minutes, I sat up, running a hand through my messy hair in an attempt to tame it, before grabbing my phone, getting up and quietly leaving the room, not wanting to wake Taylor up. I had no idea what time it was, but I heard some noise coming from the living room, so I decided to go see what that was.

Turns out it was Calum sitting in just his checkered pyjama pants, playing video games.

I leaned against the doorframe, crossing my arms and silently watching him, smiling to myself. He was so into the game: sitting hunched over on the couch, his eyes fixed on the tv and his tongue sticking out ever so slightly on the side. And if that didn't sell it, he was shirtless. Was there really a better sight to wake up to?

I coughed slightly, trying to get his attention without distracting him too much, but that backfired on me. He jumped, dropping his controller to the carpeted ground and looking over at me with wide eyes.

"Was that really necessary?" he whined as I laughed, shaking my head as I walked over and sat down beside him. He wrapped his arms around my waist before pulling me onto his lap. "You're so mean to me," he mumbled, burying his head in the curve of my neck. "I don't know why I allowed you to come live with us."

I giggled, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry," I answered. "I can leave if you want."

"That's the last thing I could ever want," he kissed my neck softly, causing me to smile. "How did you sleep?" he asked quietly, his breath tickling me.

"I slept okay," I answered, shrugging slightly. "The bed is a bit squeaky, but it was okay."

"Ahh, the joys of an air mattress."

"You're telling me."

He moved his head back a bit, giving me a crooked smile. "I have a feeling this is going to be a really good year."

"Yeah, I hope so," I grinned.

"Well, I don't hope so," he shrugged, grinning as he pulled my face down for a kiss. "I know it is."

We kissed softly for a few seconds before a noise from the tv made us break apart. Calum laughed, and I turned slightly so he could pick up the controller, resting my head on his shoulder. I don't know how but we always ended up sitting like this: me sitting on his lap, my head against his shoulder while he played video games. I liked simply watching him, watching how into it he got, and my grin reappeared when I realised that I could do this whenever I wanted now, since we were living under the same roof. I burrowed my head in his neck and he laughed, twisting a bit awkwardly to kiss the top of my head.

I don't know how long we were sitting there, but the next thing I knew, Taylor was standing in her oversized Bring Me The Horizon shirt and red alien pyjama pants in the living room with us, grinning as she looked at something on her phone.

"What are you doing here?" Calum asked, not looking away from the screen.

"Um, I live here too," she answered, rolling her eyes. She sat down beside the two of us before handing me her phone.

I rolled my eyes when I saw that she had taken another photo of the two of us, but a blush creeped onto my face anyways. "Really Tay?"

She had a cheesy grin on her face as she reached over to pinch my pink cheek. "The joys of living with the Hoods."

"We should be on a reality tv show," Calum chuckled, his eyes still glued to his game. "Life in the Hood. I bet people would watch it all the time."

"And then write fanfiction about it," Taylor laughed. "And name it after songs that we mention, or something like that."

I laughed, shaking my head at their weirdness. Despite it all, I knew that this was definitely going to be a good year. I was surrounded by people I loved to death; could it really get any better than this?


A/N: wow it's over...

lol not really, sequel's up :) it's called I Wouldn't Mind annnnd it's already finished! (go to my profile ya tacos)

You guys are literally the best and I love you all so so so much and I hope to see you all over there!! (Actually I better see you all cause you have no excuse to not be there)

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