23: Calls

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A/N: 10 points to MoreHoodthanYouse for recognising Jenna!

I have super mega writer's block so this is short :(


If anything, I was incredibly relieved that Luke had made a friend. I knew he had been lying to me about liking the school, so it was such a relief to hear his excited voice telling me all about this strange girl who decided to talk to him one day.

If I didn't know he was completely gay, I would've been jealous about how happy he sounded talking about someone else.

"Otherwise, how's everyone over there?" he asked once he had finished talking about how the school was right next to this great pizza place and how we should go there if I came to visit him.

"Everyone's fine," I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Taylor's a bit quiet and even Mikey says he misses you, but other than that, everyone's fine."

It was silent for a few seconds and I could just picture him biting his lip. Maybe I knew him too well.

"What about you?" he finally asked.

"What do you mean?"

"How are you?"

I sighed, running a hand through my dark hair. "I'm okay. I mean, I miss you a hell of a lot, but other than that, I'm okay."

"I miss you too," he mumbled with a sigh. It was quiet for another few seconds and then he spoke up, saying the things I had been dying for him to confide in me. "Cal, I lied about the school. It's awful... It's like everyone in here crawled out from the depths of Hell just to make my life miserable."

"Luke..." I mumbled quietly, sitting down on my bed.

"And seriously... Everyone's just always glaring at me and laughing, you know I can't deal with that Cal..."

"Hey, hey, you're better than them, okay?" I tried to comfort him, but I really wasn't sure what to say. What could I say, really? "Don't worry about them, Luke. Don't let them get it to you."

"It's hard, Cal," he whined, and I sighed.

"Stick with Jenna as much as you can, alright?" I advised him. From what I had heard about her, I trusted her to not hurt my Luke. I may be wrong, but for now I was just madly wishing that my gut was leading me in the right direction. "And if you ever need me, you know I'll answer my phone no matter what. I even have the ringer on when I sleep, just in case you need me. You're not alone babe, alright? I may be far away physically but... You're never alone."

I could practically see him grinning shyly from the other end, and the memories of his smile came rushing back, warming my heart. "Thank you Cal," he mumbled.

"Anytime, love, it's only the truth."



It had been two weeks since that day I told Calum the truth about my school, and frankly I was glad I did. I had someone to rant to other than Jenna, and he knew the right things to say to make me feel better. Even at 4000 kilometers away, I was hopelessly dependent on him.

Jenna and I had gotten very close, very fast. We were the only ones we had, so it really was no surprise that we were now casually hanging out in my bedroom, listening to some of my old CDs. Jenna was looking through my collection while I was just on my phone, playing Plants Vs Zombies while waiting for Calum to answer my text.

"Hey Luke?" Jenna's voice pierced through the music, and I looked up to see her holding a yellow CD case in one hand, and a piece of paper in the other. "Who's this?"

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin