24: Reunion

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A/N: I know nothing about driving ok so just go with it ._.


"Taylor wake up!" I yelled, entering her room unannounced. I was going to shove in her face that I was awake before her, but that plan crash landed when I found her already readjusting her beanie on her head, facing away from me and at her mirror.

"Bit too late there, mate," she laughed, turning around to look at me. She was already dressed and beside her was her fully packed bag.

I scratched the back of my head, looking down at my pyjama pants. "Well then."

She laughed, leaning down to pick up her leather jacket and her bag. "Go on, hurry up, Ashton texted me and said that he'd be here in half an hour."

I slumped back into my room, quickly throwing on any random tee shirt and skinny jeans, and praised myself for packing my bag last night. I double checked it anyways, making sure I had Luke's gift kept safely in it.

Thinking of him made my heart flutter. It had been two months since he moved away, and I was dying to hug and kiss him again. And in a day, I will be able to! I was beyond excited.

Admittedly, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to let four teenagers drive across the country alone, but what else could we do? Our parents weren't going to miss work to drive us, and hey, Ashton can drive, so why not take advantage of that?

I trudged downstairs once I was ready, my bag slung over one of my shoulders. My mum and Taylor were talking in the kitchen.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" my mum was asking, cooking god knows what. "I'm still not so sure about this..."

"Mum, we'll be fine," Taylor sighed as I sat down beside her, grabbing a toast off her plate. I promptly dropped it, yelling out due to the heat, and she just laughed before snatching it back from me. "That's what you get."

"You're so mean," I whined, shaking my hand out.

"Here's yours, Cal," my mum slid a plate over to me, and I thanked her. "You kids keep in touch, okay?"

"Yes mum," we answered in unison. We had already heard all that she had to say a bazillion times.

"Now, when is Ashton coming? I like that boy," she nodded.

"They'll be here in about 15 minutes," Taylor answered through a mouthful of toast.

"They?" my mum asked.

"Yeah, Michael's coming too," I explained. "He wouldn't let us leave him here alone."

My mum rolled her eyes. "Of course, that doesn't surprise me."

We talked a little bit more, going over the journey and how long it would take us to get to Luke's. Finally, about 20 minutes later, Ashton and Michael showed up, and we threw our bags into the back of his car, saying goodbye to our mum before beginning our long journey.

"Mikey already called dibs on the music," Ashton explained when we set off. "We each get an hour. I go next, and then you two dec-"

"Me first!" I yelled before Taylor had a chance.

She rolled her eyes. "You do realise Mikey and I like the same music, right? That means 2 hours of pure punk."

I looked at her warily before sighing. "Fine, you go after Ashton."

"You've got shitty tastes anyways, Cal," she giggled. "You need education."

I just rolled my eyes, leaning back and trying to get comfortable. Why couldn't Michael sit in the back with her?

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