20: Ephemeral

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A/N: I'm lying in bed with a dog glued next to me, this is the life. Also you guys might not like this chapter...


The view from the top of the Ferris wheel was amazing. I never would've thought that my little city was so breathtaking.

I smiled at Luke's awed expression before resting my chin on his shoulder and whispering, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I felt him shiver, and he nodded, a wide grin on his face. His grin caused me to grin, and we just looked out at the scene for a bit until we reached the very top of the Ferris wheel.

Then, he turned around to face me, putting a hand gently on my cheek. I blushed slightly, very slightly, as he leaned closer. Just as our lips brushed each other's, he whispered, "I love you so much," and connected his lips to mine sweetly.

However, I couldn't focus on the kiss. His words had surprised me in the best way possible and I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. I pulled away, putting both my hands on his cheeks and leaned my forehead against his. He looked at me, his sapphire blue eyes shyly meeting mine as he bit his lip.

I was so happy. How could such simple words have such a huge impact on me? "I love you too, Luke," I answered softly, pecking his lips.

He threw his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer and kissing me again. One of my hands slipped into his hair, and I marvelled at how soft it was. I pulled him closer slightly and heard him make a tiny noise which only made me grin wider. I was having incredibly inappropriate thoughts but I couldn't let them surface right now.

Luke told me he loved me.

All through our descent, the only reason our lips would be disconnected would be to lazily whisper "I love you". I couldn't begin to explain how those words made me feel, coming out of Luke's mouth. I was on top of the world.

When we were close to the bottom, Luke pushed me away, giggling and covering my mouth with his hand when I tried to lean in for yet another kiss.

"Maybe later," he giggled, and I pouted when his hand left my face.

The same lady from earlier opened up our cart door and gave us a nasty look but I simply rolled my eyes, grabbing Luke's hand in one and his penguin in the other. He would've forgotten it there if it wasn't for me, I tell you.

I couldn't stop smiling. I was smiling when we got something to drink. I was smiling when I walked Luke home and listened to him talk about the stars, his penguin clutched tightly to his chest and our photos sticking out from both of our back pockets. I was smiling when I kissed him goodbye, letting it linger a bit longer than necessary. I was smiling all the way home. I couldn't remember the last time I had smiled this much.

When I got home, I unlocked the door quietly since my parents would most likely be asleep, and crept down the hall, almost knocking over Taylor in the process.

"Hey you, good to- Why are you so happy?" she raised an eyebrow, giving me an amused expression.

"No, it's nothing," I shook my head, unable to hide the smile even though I tried.

"How was the carnival?" she asked curiously.

"It was... Amazing," I nodded. "Really amazing."

"That's good, I'm glad you two had fun," she smiled, before walking past me and into the kitchen.

I stepped into my bedroom, closing the door and changing before plopping onto my bed. I buried my face in my pillow, still grinning like a madman. My cheeks were sore but every time I stopped smiling, I remembered Luke's words at the top of the Ferris wheel and I started smiling all over again. I felt like a stereotypical teenage girl, but I didn't care.

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