4: Responsibility

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A/N: Hello guys! :) How are you liking this so far? Thanks for the two votes, hehe! Anyways, I have a feeling you guys might like this chapter... ;)


"It's honestly only because I love you that I'm agreeing to this."

My best friend shot me a huge grin, following her brother out of the door. I sighed, doing the same and closing the door behind me. I wasn't a party-goer, by any means. I hated going to parties. It always ended up in complete and utter humiliation on my part for other's enjoyment.

Calum was already way ahead of us on the sidewalk, furiously texting away. He was dressed in impossibly tight black jeans and a white button up shirt, sleeves rolled up just above his elbows. He was looking good, as usual. Calum always looked good, anyways. There was just this certain allure to him. You'd have to be blind to ignore his attractiveness.

You could say I have a crush on him. I didn't like to refer to it like that. It was just... Admiration, really. Not a crush. Definitely not a crush. How cliché would that be? Hey guys, I have a crush on my best friend's brother! Not only is that cliché, that's also fucking weird, seeing as he definitely wasn't gay, or into guys at all.

Taylor knew I was gay. She was the first person I told, that's how much I trusted her. But I could never tell her about my little "infatuation" with Calum. When it came to that, it wasn't a matter of trust. It was just a matter of not wasting my breath. It was just a phase, a little schoolgirl type crush that would fade with time, right? It's not like it was something that I'd been feeling for years and years. I had only recently developed this infatuation, maybe a couple of months ago or so. So, I had nothing to worry about. I would find the right guy eventually, but I guess for now I'll be content with staring at Calum and how good he looks in that damn shirt.

As we turned the corner into the street Calum's friend lived on, I bit back laughter. It was so painfully obvious which house he lived in. It was such a neat and quiet looking neighbourhood, it wasn't hard to miss the house with the flashing lights and loud music. Even three houses away, I could tell that this wasn't just any party. This was the party to be at.

Well, it would be, if you were anyone other than me. All I wanted to do was bolt in the other direction. "Why can't we just ditch him?" I whispered to Taylor, watching Calum open the door to the house and greet the hoard of people that had just surrounded him. We were still two houses away, so he had no reason to worry about being seen with us.

"Because, knowing Calum, he's going to get himself into a drunken mess and do dumb shit," she whispered back, even though we really had no reason to whisper. "And if I'm not there to stop him, things won't look good for either of us."

I sighed, shoving my hands in my pocket. "Okay, fine. Stay with me?" I looked up at her hopefully.

She laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Of course, Lukey."

"Don't call me that," I groaned, scrunching my nose up.

"You know, when you make that face, it just makes me want to call you Lukey even more," she laughed again. "Damn, now I know why people think we're together."

"People think we're together?" I asked, surprised. Wow, that was a weird thought.

"Yeah!" she chuckled. "It's weird. No offense, but I wouldn't date you. You're too much of a dork for me. But one day you'll meet a guy just as dorky as you, I have full faith in that."

"Well, I hope so," I grumbled. That guy definitely wasn't Calum. So why was I so fascinated by him?

The two of us stepped into the house practically unnoticed. No one was looking our way, except for the people giving us odd looks, trying to figure out who we were or why we were here. Neither Taylor nor I were the biggest social butterflies, so I understood their confusion.

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant