8: Tension

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to my great friend road_to_infinite because I have successfully gotten her to fangirl over 5sos and, well, Cake ;) and also bc she gave me ideas for this chapter! Love you ^-^

Also this is a long arse chapter because I just wanted to get this questioning business over and done with. Who wants 5 chapters of the exact same thing, right?


The days following our argument, Taylor didn't say a single word to me. I don't even think she looked my way; it was as if she didn't even see me there at all.

Well, I didn't care. She wanted to go off on me and then not talk to me? That was her problem.

However, I couldn't deny the fact that what she said kept running through my mind. Why did she want me to apologise for this kiss itself? mean... I'd get it if she had asked me to apologise for blaming it on Luke. But why should I have to apologise for kissing him? I can't say that I had actually wanted to kiss him for a reason other than to annoy her, but I can't say that I didn't enjoy it, either.

But those were thoughts for another time. Presently, I was walking to football practice alone, seeing as Taylor was ignoring me, and I was trying not to let my mind wander. I had to focus on the situation at hand. We had two more practice days before our next big game and I couldn't afford to have my head anywhere else but in the game.

As I slipped onto the field, I heard someone in the distance call my name. "Calum!"

My head snapped up towards the locker room doors, and I saw Ashton there, grinning and waving. I grinned back, turning sharply to head towards him. However I wasn't paying enough attention and ended up colliding with someone not much taller than me. I felt the two of us tipping over and grabbed onto their upper arms to keep the two of us steady.

"I'm so sorry," a sickeningly familiar voice mumbled, and my eyes flicked up to meet a pair of sparkling blue ones. I immediately let go of his arms as if they were burning me, but I couldn't move. My eyes were wide and fixed on his. I was entranced by his eyes.

"I'm s-s-sorry," I finally stuttered out after what felt like ages, but in reality had probably been a few seconds. I tore my eyes away and shook my head, getting back into character. Wait, back into character? You don't like him, Calum, you have no reason to be nice to him. It's not an act, that's how it is. "What are you doing here?"

Luke seemed taken aback by my sudden shift in attitude, furrowing his eyebrows before holding his chin up a bit higher. "I wasn't sure if Taylor was going to be here or not."

"Yeah, well, thanks to you, she isn't talking to me," I huffed. "Didn't she come running to you with all the details?"

"No, thanks to you she's not talking to me, either," he snapped at me, an annoyed scowl painting his face.

Now I was completely taken aback. Since when did Luke Hemmings talk to me this way? "Jeez, well, maybe she just wants to be a bitch. I don't know what you want me to say."

He grumbled a "Well, thanks for nothing," before walking away.

I turned to watch his retreating back, my shoulders drooping slightly. I wanted him to stay a little longer. I don't know why, but there was something inside, nagging me to call him back and ask him to stay till the end of practice.

Of course, I didn't listen to that impulse. That was absolutely ridiculous. Before I could confuse myself even more with my strange thoughts, I turned around and headed to the locker rooms, where a confused Ashton met me.

"What was that all about?" he asked me, his eyebrows raised and a look of genuine curiosity on his face.

"Nothing," I muttered, pushing the doors open. He followed me inside, not liking my answer.

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora