31: Secrets

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A/N: super shitty chapter, I'm sorry guys

Also ~someone~ comes back. Oops.


"Luke, you need to eat."

He had refused to eat anything of substance for the past two days, opting for cookies and cream ice cream instead.

Currently, I was sitting on the couch with a plate of food in my hand, staring Luke down as he stared blankly at the tv.

"You can't keep watching reruns of Switched At Birth, you know that, right?"

He sighed, tearing his eyes away from the tv to look at me. I was worried about him, honestly. He was doing terribly, which was completely understandable, but I needed him to start acting normally again.

"Jenna, I'm not hungry."

I rolled my eyes. "You usually eat enough to feed a family of four. Please eat."

He stared at the plate of pasta in my hand, then looked back up at me before sighing. "If I eat it, will you stop bothering me?"

I nodded eagerly, grinning when he closed the tub of ice-cream and took the plate out of my hands. "Jeez, thank you! That wasn't so hard, right?"

"Don't push it," he muttered through a mouthful of food.

I bit the inside of my lip. It was now or never. "Luke... I need to talk to you about something."

He frowned slightly at my tone, and nodded. "Yeah, tell me?"

"I- Well, you see, I have some family in Sydney, and um, well, I've been planning on going to live with them for a bit after I graduate..."

"Okay?" he answered, but he was visibly upset.

I smiled, shaking my head. "But you see, I may or may not have talked to them about your situation, and well..."

"Well?" He gulped, putting the plate down. "I mean I understand if I need to go home but I just-"

I laughed, shaking my head. "No! It's the opposite! They're saying that you can go stay with them until I get there!"

His eyes widened, and he looked at me worriedly. "But- But they don't even know me and school and I-"

"I've been planning this for a little while now," I chuckled. "I kinda already organised everything. Laura helped me."

I explained to him how he'd stay with them until we found something to do - maybe until I got my own apartment or something like that, seeing as he isn't really on speaking terms with Calum...

"You're kidding me."

His jaw was hanging wide open, his eyes equally as wide. I just laughed.

"But... There is one downside."

"What is that?" he asked, his eyes still open wide.

"My cousins - well, one of them, Olivia - is a bit of a bitch, to put it plainly."

I watched as his expression turned from disbelief to apprehension. In a matter of a seconds, he was frowning at me, looking almost afraid. "O-Olivia?"

"Yeah..." I frowned, tilting my head. "I'm not really close to her so maybe she's changed, but last time I checked she was a mega bitch."

"Please tell me she doesn't have blonde streaks in her hair."

"Um, she actually- I think she does?" I answered, pulling out my phone. "Hold on, here's her Instagram."

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