22: Empathy

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edited A/N: guys why didn't you tell me I had two chapter 21s! I'm an idiot


I don't know if he even realised what he was doing, but my dad was slowly turning my life upside down. First with the move, then refusing to let me move in with Taylor, and now announcing that I really only had a day until school started. Oh, and how could I forget? The school had uniforms.

I had nothing against uniforms, really, but I wasn't really keen on wearing barf coloured clothes around. Especially when they were a size too small. Yes, my dad decided that he knew my size and could go ahead and buy my uniform without me.

Good going, dad!

So here I was, standing in front of a gigantic new school with pants that ended right above my ankles and a blazer that made it uncomfortable for me to breathe. This was looking so good.

With a heavy heart I stepped forward and entered the school, only to be greeted with stares. Just what I needed, right?

I made my way to the main office, ignoring everyone. I could hear them whispering, but I didn't want to know what they were saying. I felt absolutely ridiculous, and I just wanted to bolt. I wanted to run out of those doors, past the new place I had to call home, all the way back to Sydney.

Once in the office, I was made to wait for a good hour until finally someone came out and roughly shoved a time table in my hands before ushering me out of the miniscule room, giving me a dirty look in the process. A dirty look I knew too well. It was the same look the old Ferris wheel lady had given Calum and I.

Calum... My heart clenched in my chest, but I needed to keep it together. I needed to figure out where the hell classroom 143 was, and I should probably do that quickly, seeing as the bell would ring at any second.

I found it quite easily, because despite being unwelcoming and crowded, the building was pretty well organised. I filed in, sitting right at the back, beside the window, ignoring the people staring at me as they walked in. I pulled out a notebook and a pen, and was pleasantly surprised to see that the teacher had bright blue hair and a wide smile on her face. She scarily reminded me of a female, much older version of Michael.

"Good morning!" she beamed, immediately noticing me. She must've sensed my nervousness, but she acted as though I wasn't there, which I was incredibly grateful for. According to my timetable, this was English. Okay, good. That, I can do.

She started the class by giving us all a text to read, and while the students were busy, she came over to me, crowching beside my desk.

"You must be Lucas," she smiled, and I nodded shyly. "I'm Ms. Lee. You doing okay?"

I shrugged slightly. "I don't know yet."

She smiled, rubbing my shoulder. "You'll be fine, Luke, don't worry. Can I call you Luke?"

"Yes," I nodded again before she got up and walked away. I noticed people turning around to look at me, so I looked back at my paper, trying to make sense of the words.

English class ended way too quickly, and the next class I had was Maths. Oh, joy.

This time, the teacher made me stand at the front of the room and introduce myself. I did so incredibly hesitantly, hating having the spotlight. As I made my way back to my desk, I heard some people whispering and sneering at me. I sighed as I slumped into my seat, hoping that it would all stop soon.

Oh, I was wrong.

As the day went on, everything seemed to get worse. It was as if I had fallen into a nightmare I just couldn't get out of. Luckily, we were allowed to go outside at lunch, so I decided to hide away in the school parking lot, beside the emergency exit. I wasn't hungry. All I wanted to do was make a phone call.

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