38: News

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A/N: this might be the second last chapter 😱


When I got home that evening, Olivia and her mum were talking angrily about something or the other in the kitchen. Not wanting to interrupt, I attempted to slip past and into "my" room, but I must've failed, because not even a second later, Olivia exited the kitchen, giving me a look. "You're wanted."

I frowned before entering the kitchen. "Um... She said I was- Did you call me?"

Her mum sighed. "Luke... Um, sit down."

I gave her an apprehensive look but sat down opposite her at the counter. "What happened?"

"Luke, um, I don't want you to get me wrong," she started, uncharacteristically nervous. "It's been so lovely having you stay here, and we really think you're a great kid with a lot of potential, but..."

"Olivia doesn't want me here anymore, does she?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Why did she have to go and mess up everything, all the time?

She gave me an apologetic look. "It's impossible to get Olivia to change her mind once she's got it set on something... But I also don't think it's fair for you to have to deal with her."

I quietly mumbled, "You're telling me," before sighing. "Um, but- Where do I go?"

"We'll figure that out, alright?" she tried to smile reassuringly, but it wasn't really working out. "Obviously I'm not going to ask you to leave if you have nowhere to go!"

"Okay," I nodded.

"I'm sorry, Luke."

"Yeah, me too."



"So are you going to help me or not?"

I was standing in Taylor's room, leaning against her wall with my arms crossed. I had just suggested my idea of having Luke live with us to her, and now I wanted to know if she was willing to help me convince our parents. I mean, they had agreed once, why would they say no now?

"Where is he going to sleep, though?" she pointed out, giving me a look. "It's not like we have an extra room or anything like that, and he's not going to sleep on the couch."

I bit my lip. "He could sleep in my room, on that stupid air mattress we have lying around."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, like mum's going to agree to that."

"It's not like we're going to actually do anything with all of you in the house. That's kinda... Yeah, that's never going to happen. But whatever, he can sleep in your room," I shrugged. "As long as he's in the house, does it really matter where he sleeps?"

"I mean, I guess not, but-"

We heard the front door opening, indicating that our mum was home, and our eyes widened. "Come on!" I grinned, pulling Taylor off her bed and down the hall.

Our mum had just come home from work, and was busy taking off her shoes when I bounced over to her, Taylor trailing behind me. "Muuuuumm, we need your help!"

She gave me a weird look, then looked at Taylor. "Are you a part of this?"

"Uh, yeah, I suppose so," she shrugged.

"It concerns your best friend, you should be a part of this," I pointed out.

Our mum rolled her eyes, mentally preparing herself for what was about to come. "Okay, just wait, let me put my stuff down and we'll talk."

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