35: Risqué

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A/N: short chapter but since you guys wanted Cake, you guys are getting Cake. :-*


The weekend was surprisingly peaceful. I spent most of the time with Tay, hanging out around town and laughing our butts off. Every time I checked my phone, I had no new notifications. Calum had obviously taken the hint, and I was really glad.

But Sunday night at 3AM was when I did the majority of my thinking. I tossed and turned, trying to find sleep but my brain only wanted to think about Calum. I tried to think about completely different things, such as bands and what I was learning in Science, but no luck.

"Goddammit," I muttered, sitting up and checking my phone. The last time I had gotten a text or even a phone call from Calum had been Friday morning.

I moved my fingers, poising them above the keyboard, but I shook my head and put my phone back down. No, I was not going to be the first to crack. I needed to figure out what I wanted.

The next morning, Calum didn't even look my way, taking me by surprise. He definitely noticed me, but he didn't acknowledge me.

In maths, another class I had with him, he didn't look back the way he used to. His eyes were for everyone but me. And I hated it.

But was I going to admit it? Hell no.

Taylor seemed to have noticed my frustration, and she just laughed. "Be careful what you wish for."

"Yeah, shut up. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure. You're being all gloomy and I'm already sick of it."

"I'm not gloomy. I've just... Got a headache."


I figured I'd just get used to him avoiding me. This is what I wanted after all, right?

Tuesday, I was prepared for his attitude, but any preparation was useless. I knew for a fact that I had to get him to talk to me again, and I wanted to do anything - well, almost - to make that happen.

In the morning, he didn't even glance my way. Ashton gave me a wave with a grin, and Michael gave me a nod, but nothing from Calum. I even lingered a little bit, hoping he'd just look my way, but no.

The rest of the morning, I was anxiously waiting my chance to make a move, but it came when I least expected it. I was walking down one of the further away hallways, preoccupied by thoughts of our upcoming exams, when I realised I was quite alone and someone was coming my way. I slowed my steps uncertainly, but my eyes widened when I saw Calum turn the corner, into the hallway. His brown eyes landed on me for a fleeting moment before he averted them forwards; my eyes were glued on him. I slipped my bag off my shoulder, and before he could register my movements, I was approaching him rapidly. I pushed him against the wall beside the lockers, giving him no time to say anything in protest as I interlocked our lips desperately. I ran my good hand up his chest and slid my fingers through his hair, moving my lips against his with urgency. He was still for moment, not really sure what hit him, but soon enough his soft lips were moving against mine with just as much fervor. His hands were on my waist, pulling me even closer to him

It was so risqué, kissing him beside the lockers in plain sight of everyone, but I didn't care. I had made up my mind. This was what I wanted. Not wallowing in my sadness. Not worrying about what was the truth and what was a lie. No, simply just being with him was enough to make everything else insignificant.

Our lips moved as one, as if we knew before time how this was going to play out. I was weak in the knees and had to move my hand away from his hair to the wall to hold myself up. He trailed his hands up my body before burying them in my hair, tugging lightly. I pulled away to gasp and breathe, and he whispered, "Don't ever do that again," before reconnecting our lips.

Prove You Wrong // Cake AU [complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang