18: Confrontation

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A/N: I love you guys so much it's insane. Also last update before school starts (probably). Kill me now.


I ditched the rest of the day to spend it with Luke. My phone was ringing and buzzing off the hook but I simply ignored it. I didn't care about anything else. All I cared about at this moment was being with Luke.

Currently, we were wrapped up in a blanket, our limbs tangled and his head resting on my chest as we watched some movie or the other. Neither of us were really paying attention to it though: I was too busy whispering sweet nothings in Luke's ear, and he was blushing furiously and telling me to be quiet so that he could watch the movie.

I absentmindedly glanced over at the clock on the wall, but my eyes widened when I saw what time it was.

"Luke, get up!" I cried, kicking the blanket off of us and standing up.

"What? Why?" he asked, pausing the movie and looking up at me with a confused expression.

"I have something really important to do and I need you to be there," I explained, pulling him to his feet.

"What is it?" he pressed on.

"You'll see, now go put on some actual pants," I ordered, pecking him on the lips.

He rolled his eyes but did as he was told, and I shamelessly gave his butt a squeeze when he turned around. He yelped and dashed for the room as I exploded into a fit of laughter, falling back onto the sofa.

A few minutes later he emerged from his room, his legs in impossibly skinny jeans and a beanie pushing his hair back.

"Hey sexy, let me get yo numbah," I laughed, grabbing his hands and pulling him down for a kiss. I couldn't go for even ten minutes without kissing him, I was so in love with the feeling.

Speaking of love... Had I really told him I loved him? He hadn't answered, and I didn't blame him. I couldn't believe myself.

But now's not the time to be thinking of this. I shook my head, pulling myself off of the sofa and grabbing my bag with the hand that wasn't intertwined with Luke's. I dragged us to the door, Luke constantly asking where we were going.

"I need to make things right," I simply explained as we began walking towards our destination.

He just sighed, walking closer to me. "Calum, please don't tell me we're going to the school."

I kissed the top of his head. "It's for a good cause."

"Oh, so we actually are going to the school?" he whined. "Ew, Caluuuum!"

"Please babe, I promise nothing bad's going to happen," I reassured him.

He grumbled something that I didn't fully catch, but I did catch Olivia's name. In response, I took my hand out of his to then slide it around his waist, pulling him that much closer to me.

As we reached the school gates, I felt Luke tense up as people turned to stare at us. The day had ended only a couple of minutes ago, so my timing was impeccable. I found Olivia in her usual spot, surrounded by her so-called friends, discussing something or the other that only required an IQ of about 5 to understand.

I walked right past her towards the guys, making sure she saw Luke on my arm.

"Look who's here!" Ashton grinned when he saw us, punching Michael in the arm to get him to turn around. I was surprised to see Taylor standing amongst them, even though I shouldn't really be.

Luke nuzzled closer to me and my grin was so wide, my cheeks were beginning to hurt.

"Damn man, no one can say you and Luke aren't meant for each other," Michael laughed upon seeing my expression. "You two have been so mopey all week, it's a nice change."

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