32: Flights

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A/N: you guys are so dramatic it's the best thing ever

Also details are crucial sometimes


During the whole day on Friday, I could barely focus. I just wanted to get home and pack so that I could get on the damn plane and leave already, and make everything right. I didn't know what I was going to say to Luke, but I decided I'd figure it out on the way. I always figure something or the other out.

I barely waited for Taylor after school, so she had to run to catch up with me as I speed-walked through the gates.

"Calum, your flight's at 6:00. Walking faster is not going to change it."

"I know," I answered, still speed-walking. "I'm just excited."

She rolled her eyes. "Have you talked to him at all since... Well, since the other day?

I scoffed. "No. He hasn't been answering my texts."

"Have you tried calling him, or Jenna?"

"I'm not clingy," I shrugged.

"Yeah, okay. You're totally not flying across the country to see your boyfriend because he said he needed some space. Not clingy at all."

"Maybe if I explain myself in person, I'll have a better chance. That's all."

"Okay... But this is really starting to remind me of... Well, you know?"

I frowned, looking over at my sister who was now staring at the ground beneath our feet. "Like who?"

"Like, you know, psycho stalker."

"Who?!" I was so confused.

"Oh, right," she sighed. "You only started caring about- Never mind. Just don't get too clingy."

I shrugged, not answering her. I wasn't clingy; I just wanted to make sure he was alright. There's a difference, isn't there?

When we got home, I barely took the time to take off my shoes before I was dashing to my bedroom, ready to pack my bags. I would only be there for two days so I really didn't need that many things, which meant I would be done in a flash.

I ended up getting everything together in under 20 minutes, and so I ended up just laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I wanted to talk to Luke, but that was out of the question for the moment. I didn't understand what was making me miss him so much. I don't miss people. They miss me. I get over it.

But from the looks of it, the tables had turned. I was the one moping over my own mistakes while he was probably doing just fine - well, as fine as one can do with a broken wrist.

Who the hell tells their significant other that they cheated when they're not even sure about it?! I mean, people don't always tell them even when they are sure!

But nope, I had to be honest and stupid, and tell Luke something that I wasn't even certain of. I understood his frustration, but...


I missed him. I really did.

But I was mad and frustrated. He was a mess, and so was I, which was a recipe for disaster.

It's funny, though. I was laying here, in Jenna's guest bedroom, waiting for her and Laura to bring some of my stuff (they hadn't let me go home, so I'm going to assume that my dad had not reacted well to all his plates being shattered on the floor), and thinking about Calum. I was the one choosing not to answer his texts or call him, yet I was the one moping. He was probably doing just fine, knowing him. It's going to be back like the old days.

Somehow, it was all so much easier back then. He stayed out of my way except for the rare moments he would throw me a glare, and I was fine ignoring him and just admiring him from afar.

But ever since he decided that he suddenly didn't hate me anymore, I had gotten myself into more drama than I ever had in my whole life.

I sighed. Yeah, ever since then, my life had been more stressful, but I was also... I don't know. Happier. Despite all the mess he's made, at the end of the day, Calum made me happy.

I shook my head, sitting up. I still needed a bit of time. Actually, I needed to talk to someone about this whole thing, and I did have a person in mind. But just as I was picking up my phone to send her a text message, I heard noises coming from downstairs, indicating that Jenna, her mum and Laura were back. I looked at the time; it was 4:30. I would be leaving for the airport in 45 minutes, so I better get ready.

With another sigh, I got up and headed downstairs.


I couldn't tell you how glad I was to get off that damn plane. My legs had been uncomfortably cramped, and the cast on my wrist and bruises all over my body were not helping my case.

I got up, stretching my legs before reaching up to pull down my bag. I swung it over my shoulder and stood in the slow-moving line, anxious to get off the plane.

I pulled out my phone, turning it on as I stepped off the plane and into the bus that would take us to the airport. I barely paid attention to my surroundings, busying myself with texting Jenna, her aunt, and Laura to tell them that I had arrived. Jenna's aunt - Olivia's mum - had offered to come pick me up from the airport, but at the last minute, something came up, so instead I opted to take a taxi. Their house was almost on the other side of town, so no way coud I walk there.

I was kind of dreading this, to be absolutely honest.



"Come on," I muttered under my breath, tapping my foot anxiously as I stood by the airport, waiting for a taxi. It was around 10:30 and I really needed to catch a cab and get to Luke. I know it would be a bit... Odd of me to show up uninvited and I hadn't really thought of anything to say to him, but I had a good 15 minute cab ride.

Finally, after 10 minutes of waiting and sticking my hand out awkwardly, one taxi stopped. I gratefully slid inside, telling the driver the address. He started driving, and I pulled out my phone, texting Taylor and my mum to let them know I reached safely. I leaned my head against the window, remembering the last time I was here. It had only been a week. Isn't that crazy? So much can change in just one week.

I watched as the neighbourhoods got more and more familiar, and finally when we entered Jenna's neighbourhood, I was shaking with excitement and anxiousness. He stopped in front of her house and I paid him quickly before stepping outside, the cool air nipping at my face. I hurried up her front steps and rang the bell, rocking back and forth on my feet. Please hurry up, I want to see my Lukey.

After what felt like ages but was probably half a minute, a confused Jenna opened the door. Upon seeing me, she grew even more confused.

"Calum?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Um, surprise!" I grinned, throwing my hands up a little.

"What are you doing in Perth?"

"I came to see Luke..." I admitted. "I came to apologise in person."

She bit her lip, and I frowned. "Well, about that..."

"Did something happen? Is he alright?"

"He's fine, yeah, but... Luke's in Sydney, Calum."


A/N: I tried to take my time writing this chapter because I've been just writing chapter after chapter lately and they were starting to get really shitty

So I hope this one's better? idk

Bye I LOVE YOU GUYS you're better than Skittles

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