Chapter One

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Sitting on a stool at the bar, I sipped at the shot of whiskey I had ordered. Why she had left me, I don't know. I had treated her perfectly. I was there for her whenever she needed me. I gave her little gifts, her smile lighting up her oval face. But then, she might of just liked how much attention I was giving her, not really caring about me. Just the things I did for her.

I rolled my eyes as I thought of the first time we hooked up, over ten months ago. She had been crying over her stupid douchebag of a boyfriend dumping her, just crying at the bottom of the stairs at a friend's party.

Being a nice person, I asked her what was wrong, comforting her for a while.

So I was probably just an instant rebound. She just needed the comfort of me by her side as she got over her ex, ending things once she was ready to be alone.

I didn't get it at all, me just walking out of her apartment straight away, walking into this bar, just thinking 'Why the fuck?'

I stared into the space, just thoughts and memories flying through my head. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I downed the shot, the bar tender coming over.

"Another?" he asked politely, taking the shot glass.

"No, just beer now," I said, slouching down into my seat. He soon filled a pint glass with my usual, passing it along the counter, it landing in my hands.

I just sipped at the bitter tasting drink, barely noticing a person had sat down beside me, her with a probably usual smile fading.

"Are you okay? You look a bit down," a high pitched voice asked, me turning my head to my left, seeing a brunette sitting on the stool beside.

Her hair looked soft, little hints of blonde in the dark brown hair. Her baby blue eyes had a bit of a sparkle, which made me a bit less glum. Snakebites and eyebrow piercings made her look a bit rebellous, me finding it attractive.

"Oh, just relationship trouble," I sighed.

"Oh, you can tell me. I'm Stella by the way," she said, putting her hand out to shake mine. Taking her hand, shaking it once, I noticed a tattoo was on her wrist, making out it was script letters.

"Jack, Jack Barakat," I said, feeling a bit strange telling a complete stranger my name.

"Cool last name," Stella said, a smile in the corners of her lips. "Will you tell me what's wrong, Jack?" The little sparkle in her eyes reappeared, me having to force myself not to blush.

"Uh.. My girlfriend broke up with me," I said, fingers wrapping around the glass, finding it a bit comforting. She put a hand on my shoulder, patting it lightly, a little tut escaping her lips.

"Oh, why?"

I didn't know. My girlfriend and I were perfect together. We barely fought, and if we did, they would be stupid little fights about who could choose what to watch on the television or something like that. She woke me up well when she woke up happy, kissing my lips softly and then, once I was concious of what was happening, I would kiss with pressure, leading it to more.

Why was I thinking about us and our sexual times? I still wanted her back, but had no intention of going and chasing her. I walked out, she not even shaken at all by my sudden disappearance. She probably just got on with herself, doing whatever she usually does when she's alone.

"Uh, Jack?" Stella said, shaking me softly.

I must of been caught in my thoughts longer than I thought.

"I-I don't know," I said, instantly taking a mouthful of the beer, letting it sooth my sences slightly.

"She mustn't of been the one if she left you," she said, me smiling as she stated the obvious. She wasn't the one, and I don't think at one moment she ever was.

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