Chapter Five

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I heard the click of the door, getting to my feet instantly to meet Alex.

When I saw the tinge of red under his eyes, I knew something was wrong, the guitar I had been holding falling from my hands, me pulling Alex close to comfort him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, him sobbing into my shoulder, his arms wrapped tight around me.

"They... They called me disgusting th-things, Jack," he said inbetween sobs, my eyebrow raising, me pushing Alex away carefully, hands on his shoulders.

"Who?" I asked. He looked shaken. Who the fuck and what the fuck happened? No one, not even Satan had the right to make my Alex cry. Did I just call him my Alex?

"I was walking to my car, and guys started calling me 'faggot' and 'pussy' just for me working in the fashion store. They don't even know me," Alex said quietly, his eyes falling to the ground.

"Listen to me, Alex. They're just a bunch of assholes who know fuck all. They don't even know you, they can't tell you who you are or what you are," I said, but he just shool his head.

"B-But they're right. I'm a fucking fag. I'm fucking gay," he sobbed, my heart falling down deep into the depths of my chest.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself. You shouldn't care if a bunch of asses call you these things. They know nothing about you. They don't know what a great person you are."

"I'm not... ashamed of... of us," he said, raising his eyes, them landing back on me, causing me to feel warm and fuzzy but also making my stomach twist and churn. I

t was sickening me to see him sad, me just wanting him to be as happy as he ever could be at every given moment.

Alex was just afraid to be judged. Sure, heck, so was I. Nobody really knew. We weren't officially together, but I knew this much; I loved him with all of my heart and it hurt so much to watch him cry, his tears just making my heart feel like it was coming up my throat, me just about ready to spit it out.

"There is no reason for you to be," I said, pulling Alex close into a hug again, it filled with the feeling of sadness. I stroked Alex's hair, still comforting him, his tears soon stopping, the water sticking to his face.

He let out a sigh, pushing himself out of the hug, walking over to the kitchen. He started searching through the fridge for something to eat, me not able to do much more than take baby steps towards him. I felt like my legs were jelly.

I slowly reach the kitchen, wrapping my arms around Alex's waist, his head turning slightly, me kissing his soft lips as soon as I could. I twisted him around, him now facing me properly, not breaking the kiss.

He dug his fingers into my neck, me grabbing his legs, him wrapping his legs around my waist.

I guess I was the guy of this relationship. He started thrusting his hips eagerly, making me groan.

"Let's take this upstairs," I whispered against his lips, us opening our eyes, keeping eye contact the whole time.

I slowly walked up the stairs, Alex clinging onto me making it a chore, walking into my bedroom and dropping him onto the bed.

His body hit the bed softly, him instantly fiddling with his belt buckle. I smirked, climbing ontop of him, grabbing his wrists roughly, raising his hands above his head. We kissed once more, Alex's hips going crazy as his hormones went wild.

All this bottled up sexual frustration was finally getting to him. I moved down to his neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses, Alex's whimpering as I bit down hard on his skin, leaving my mark.

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