Chapter Twenty Five

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It was nice to be able to see Alex's face again. He visited every single day, me just itching to be able to go home. He just wanted me to be home too.

I needed to tell him how much I wanted to ask him to marry him, time being unessasary to think about. But there was suddenly always people visiting, so I couldn't get a word to Alex by ourselves. But I guess it could wait a while, he may still be a bit tramatized but in all, just releaved.

"Alex?" I whispered once Rian had gone, who had been visiting that day. It felt as if I was staying way too long.

"Yes, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice a bit sleepy, him cowering his face into the back of the chair he was sitting in. He just looked so precious, as if no problems could ever be caused for him.

"Will you get the nurse? Ask her can I go home?" I asked, him nodding with a light smile, giving me a little kiss on the forehead before walking out.

Why, Alex? How could you seem so innocent? But you weren't and-

I shook my head. Why was I letting the negitive thoughts seep back into my brain? It didn't appeal to me to be thinking in a negitive way right now, feeling the itch I got under the skin of the scars. I questioned why I wrote 'I love you AWG' in my moments of self harm, the devil inside maybe just letting the little bit of me shine through, letting me know I do love him. That I need him.

"Hello, Jack," the nurse said as she grabbed the chart. "So how have you been feeling.

Truthfully? "I think I'm okay. I just really want to be home. I just can't really stand staying in this hospital for much longer."

Alex cringed a bit, me not knowing why, but maybe it was my tone. I sounded so addament and demanding. Like a little kid demanding every thing in the shop. Was I just a skeptical about the idea that I would be home tonight?

"Yes, you may. But just come on over if anything is wrong," she said, walking out of the door for a moment. Alex gave me a little smile, me feeling as if I was returning one. The nurse came back with the doctor. God.

"Hello, Mr. Barakat," he said, kneeling down on one knee as he asked me a few physcological and physical questions, just seeing if I was actual fit to get out of hospital I guess. But the kneeling down on the knee kind of pissed me off. It was if I was a child, him just asking me to behave.

"Well, we will get you ready to leave by late noon. Your friend might get you some clothes to change into and anything else you need." The doctor walked out, Alex grabbing the car keys and walking out too. I would of jumped out of the bed to tell him not to leave me alone, but my legs were dead, so I would just fall on my face. It'd probably look strange anyway, for I knew he'd be back. I just didn't like being alone with my thoughts. It put an errie hint to my mood, justing waiting for bad thoughts. And when sleeping, bad dreams.

But he was soon back, putting a small pile of clothes on my lap.

"I can't even walk, so how?" I said, Alex just smiling.

"Why not?" he asked, just creeping in closer to the side of my bed, him leaning down on his knees.

"My legs are dead. Just help me," I whimpered, seeing him bite his lip slightly. Suductive as always even in the worst of times.

But, of course, the nurse came back, interupting our little 'moment' and started pulling the wires and tubes out of me.

"You keep yourself well, dear," she said once all the things were out of me, he giving me a light pat on the back. She closed the door behind her this time, Alex just smiling as he just let his lips linger at mine for a few moments. Oh my God, how I missed those lips, the sudden ecstacy throwing me off guard slightly, me letting out a soft moan as he started nipping my lip as he pulled away.

A Daydream Away: Manage Me, I'm A MessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ