Chapter Twenty Nine

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Alex was being pissy each time I attempted to go down stairs, so I just stayed upstairs. When wouldn't he just let it go? It wasn't my fault. Yes, it was yesterday and he was still probably tramatized, but he was making out I was the culprit.

It wasn't fair at all. The shittiest thing was he did come to the club, the car ride so silent and he was totally trying to get at me by glaring at me as I drove.

"Alex, stop it!" I snapped at him as I pulled over at the side of the road. "Why are you being such a douche about this? I love you and I am so fucking sorry but you don't seem to believe me or want me to be within an inch of you. It's as if you're insisting that I fucking tried to rape you!" I yelled, him not flinching. Not once. It was so unusual.

"Jack. Just get out of the car and leave me alone," he murmured.

I fucking glared at him as if I was trying to burn holes in his body. "I sure as fuck will not. I am not leaving. I want to stay here."

He snapped off his seat belt and got out of the car in a huff. What was his fucking problem? He had no reason to hate me at all. Did he?

He walked briskly away as my eyes just followed him as he rounded the corner. I didn't get it. I did not fucking get it.

I pulled out from the curb, starting the drive to the club once more, sering Alec just get in the door as I hopped out of the car. I legged it over to him, grabbing him by the wrist.

"Let go!" he hissed, snatching his hand away as if I was contaminated or something. He turned around, me seeing the corner of a fake smile on his face as he went over to Rian, Zack and Matt.

I sure as hell wasn't sitting beside Alex. I couldn't take his shit. He was being so fake and devious to be like this. I took a seat beside Matt, him eying me as if to question why I sat there.

"Hey, Jack. How're you doing?" Rian asked, me just nodding as I signalled for the waitress.

"Two shots of whiskey and.." I said, nodding at them, them taking their orders. No one but Alex knew I only order whiskey when something was on my mind, or if I was angry or sad. A bit of all.

But he didn't seem to take notice, him not seeming to care.

I heard the sound of girlish giggles, my attention going to the door to see four or five girls in cocktail dresses followed by Stella. She looked like the odd one, her dress a bit more elegant and complicated. Frills over the bodice and sparkley black sequins over the black silk.

"Danm," I said under my breath, hoping no one had heard the thought that somehow went to my voice box. But of course, I felt the glares from Alex, him probably the only one to notice.

"Who's the blonde there?" Matt asked, pointing lazily at a girl with big boobs and long legs. She was fully loaded with make up, her sure to be ugly under it all. "She looks like a clown."

"I dunno," I murmured, taking a sip from the whiskey as I noticed Stella had caught my glance, patting down her dress and then walking over to our table.

"Hey," she said with a lipgloss smile. Her lashes were fuller than usual.

"Hey. Guys this is Stella. Stella, this is Alex, Rian, Zack and Matt," I said, hand gesturing towards the person as I said their name.

"Nice to finally meet you," she said, giving each of them a hand shake. Two of the giddy girls followed Stella over as she sat down, one a red haired girl, lanky but quite fresh faced. The other a blonde, blue eyes and tanned skin, an all american type of girl.

"This is Stacey," Stella said, gesturing to the blonde, "and this is Bethany." She pointed to the red haired girl, us all giving friendly gestures, but Matt seemed to let the friendly hello to Stacey go a bit longer than nessasary. But she seemed to smile at every word he said, so he must of been very complimentry.

"Drinks?" I asked, standing up from my chair.

"Martinis, please," Stella said, walking over to the bar with me.

"It seems that your friend is kind of taking a liking to Stacey," she said.

"Yeah," I said before taking the order.

"Well, the thing is, Stacey and Bethany are kind of... bi. They are actually together at the moment." I smiled to myself as I took two of the martini glasses, Stella taking her's.

I let the glasses down on the table, taking my seat once more. Alex was actually being quiet talkative with the two girls, taking about fashion and hair. He was such a girl. He was probably on his period with me.

"So, Rian, Zack. Find any one yet?" I asked, them both kind of taking a gulp. They looked at each other for a moment, whispering something and then nodding.

"Jack, me and Zack are together," Rian said with a smile, Zack's cheeks blushing up.

"Awh, really? Since when?" Alex asked.

"It was actually in college. We were room mates and I guess what happened in college didn't stay in college," Rian said with a laugh, throwing his arm over Zack shoulder.

"So you've just been waiting for the right time to tell us, then?" I asked, Zack giving a nod before letting his lips just peck at Rian's cheek, Rian's lips curling to show his dazzling smile.

"I'm happy for you two," I said, a smile on my lips.

"Well, we're happy for you two," Zack said, nodding to me and Alex. I felt a lump rise in my throat as I nodded, downing a shot of whiskey.

"Right, let's get wasted," Matt said with a clap of the hands.

A few hours in, we were pissed drunk, but Alex still managed to stay away from me. He had been gone from my sight for about ten minutes a one point, me not bothering to look for him because was just continuing yo be his pissy self with me.

The happy couple though, were dancing closely since the music had started, just sharing kisses every few minutes. I wish I could have a normal, well not fucked up, life like them. They have been together for at least two years and I didn't know. It just seemed kind of strange to think that it would be like that with Alex. I had actually noticed the engagement band left in the bathroom earlier today just as I was getting ready. I don't know where we'll be going if Alex continues, because I can't take it.

"Jacky," Stella slurred, raising her glass in the air as she patted my back.

"Y'know, you are really, really sexy and I just wanna kiss you," Stella said with her eyes squinting. She struggled to bring her balance right, but as soon as she did, her lips were planted on mine. I blame the alcohol and the lack of Alex's kisses that I kissed her back, carefully playing with one of her snakebites as I rubbed the ball of her back. We were just in the corner, Rian and Zack too caught up in their dancing and Matt too busy chatting up the two lesbians to notice us.

But then, Alex walked out and saw us in the corner. I didn't notice though. I was too busy kissing a girl I barely knew. I wasn't thinking that I could of been breaking Alex's heart, I was just taking each kiss that was given to me.

I couldn't of continued if I was sober. But I wasn't. I was really drunk. I was being a prick and kissing a girl infront of Alex.

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