Chapter Sixteen

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Waking up, my eyes wandered along the sheets, feathers just laying all over. I stared Alex over, seeing the love bites on his neck, the purple bruises I had left on his wrists and thighs. Last night was just out of control, lustful thinking getting the better of us, holding each other tighter and tighter, hands grabbing onto the pillow cases and somehow managing to destroy them. Alex looked sound asleep though, the sheets wrapping around part of his leg, but otherwise, his bare skin was on full display, with the dimples on his back, even the purple bruises, making him look just.. angel like. Sound asleep, his body only moving the slightest bit with his breaths.

I felt like just telling him how perfect he was to me, knowing I shouldn't though because he was just in such denial about it. He probably thought confessing to me would make me just see his flaws plainly as flaws. But I would never think that way about him, seeing every bit of ruined skin or physically wrong feature and bring him down by not thinking he was my perfect person.

Every bruise, scar and cut made him so much more human, making him seem even more perfect, his perfection only possible for angels and other make believe creatures like that.

His sex hair was always different, not flawed, but the littlest hairs just sticking out from the matted mess. His fringe always clinged to his face near his closed eyes.

"Alex," I said softly, shaking his shoulder carefully for a few moments. His eyes flutter open, revealing the chocolate and coffee eyes I adored so much.

His sleepy smile saying hello, him just shuffling towards me to cuddle into me, not seeming to notice the feathers all over the bed.

Of course, there were also a few white feathers in his hair, making him even more angel like.

"Hello, angel," I said, picking the feathers out of his hair carefully. He just hummed, nuzzling his nose into my chest, his hand stroking my stomach softly.

"We broke the pillows, huh?" he mumbled, me just smiling at how normal he seemed about. I don't know how we even managed to break the pillows, us not being the strongest of people.

I felt his lips mouth around my chest, kissing it in a careful way, nearly not doing it at all.

"Yes, we did. D'you wanna get up?" I asked him, him nodding and crawling away from me, landing on his feet softly and walking over to the door, picking up the pair of boxers he had left there from last night and pulled them on. I hopped out from the bed, following him down the stairs, pulling on my boxers on the way into the kitchen.

He was quick, the bowls of cereal already being placed on the table, him sitting down and taking a mouthful.

"You can use that mouth well, y'know?" I said with a wink, sitting down infront of him, picking at the corn flakes.

"I know," he said, showing off a squinty smile. He just was being so adorable about a sexually expicit thing.

"Wanna go out to the feild and hitch a horse?" I asked, eating a last spoon, the boring taste not satifying my taste buds.

"There's horses?" Alex asked, dropping his spoon in his bowl, letting his arms fold across his chest as his eyes were slightly wider that they should have been.

"The advert said we could go horse riding. The lady owns them," I said, Alex just grinning like a fool. An adorably sexy fool.


Dressed in my leather jacket over a black tee shirt with black skinny jeans, I watched Alex as he walked out from the en suite, a towel around his waist, and a towel in his hand which he was dabbing his hair with so to dry it.

He smiled at me when he noticed my gaze, grabbing clothes from the bag. He quickly changed into a white tee shirt with a unbuttoned plaid shirt, a pair of denim jeans to go along. Of course, he pulled on a beanie, him not wearing one for a while, seeing him wear one somewhat refreshing.

He beckoned me over to him as he walked down the stairs, me taking hold of his hand when we reached the end of the flight of stairs, guiding his out the front door and into the front yard. We walked a minute or so up along the side of the country road, reaching a field gate, hopping over, seeing the horses instantly. There were saddles on them already. I saw a little shed just near the hedge surrounding the fields, it being a supply closet. I pulled a helmet onto my head then helped Alex with his, him being the lazy fuck he was.

I had to also help him onto the horse, hopping on behind him and just wrapping my arms arround his as he tried to ride the horse. He could only manage to turn the horse in circles, me laughing at a few points when Alex had nearly gotten the horse to go straight, just for it to go in bigger circles.

It was just cute, me just hugging him as we rode the horse, just giving him kisses on the cheeks every few minutes as he made progress, him blushing slightly every time.

"Finally," Alex groaned, the horse finally walking in a straight line.

"Very proud of you," I said, giving him one more kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Get your ass off. It's my turn to play cowboy."

He laughed at that, just barely escaping falling off the horse as he hopped off a bit too high, him lucky not to land face down in the dirt.. or horse shit.

I shrugged myself further up the saddle, kicking the horse softly to get him to start trotting, me guiding him with the lead.

"YEE-HAA!" I said, acting as if I was an actually cowboy, just getting the horse to run fast circles around the field. I think Alex was a tad jealous at how good I was, even though I had never rode horse before, him neither.

He laughed as I stopped just in front of him, letting myself off of the horse, walking over to him.

"I feel like this is some old western movie," Alex murmured, a smile on his face.

"What happens after the cowboy gets off the horse?" I asked, taking hold of the back of his neck carefully, hearing him take a shaky sigh.

"He kisses the girl he's crazy about."

"Well, I'm crazy about you. So, Alexandria, you'll have to do," I said, crushing my lips against his, feeling him smile at me saying his feminine name.

"Jacyln," Alex murmured.

"Hey, I'm the guy, you bitch," I said, biting on his lips slightly.

"I've fucked you, so we are the transexuals of the relationship," he said, biting my lip back, me holding back the groan.

"I can deal with that," I said, letting my lips just go wild then, but in a nice way, slow but wide kiss, deep and intense.

We walked around the feild hand in hand for a little while,me looking at my watch and noticing it was three pm, thinking we should go.

Alex flopped on the couch as soon as we got in, flicking the television, turning on the game.

"Ravens," Alex cheered, standing up and disappearing up the stairs. After a few moments, he ran back, his number 89 Ravens jersey on over his white tee shirt, him ridding himself of his plaid shirt.

"Why'd you pack that?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

"The fucking game is on. Have respect," he said, his attention solely on the television, cheering and whooping whenever the Ravens got a touch down, which happened quite a lot.

"Yes!!!" he said, running around the room with his arms out wide to his sides, me catching him in my arms to stop him.

"You're really annoying right now, y'know?" I told him, but he just grinned.

"You just love me," he said, bringing his face in, but instead of kissing me, he just nibbled on my bottom lip for a while, my mouth widening and letting out a soft groan.

He just turned every single day sexual, the little pervert.

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