25- Somebody To You

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Aisuru POV

I wake up, I sit up. Looks like I'm the first up, I go out into the hall. Nobody's here, I go over to the fridge. I look at the things they have, what to make... I grab what I need from the fridge to make pancakes, I tie an apron around myself. Time to make breakfast for the rest.

-Time Skip-

Aizawa-sensei is the first to come in, "Aisuru?" He asks. I look up, "Yeah?" I answer. "Just wondering if it was you. What were you making?" He asks, "Pancakes." I answer. "Can you wake up the rest? Breakfast is ready." I ask, he nods, and leaves. 

I look at the wall, last night I sensed some villains. They will attack today, during the night.

-Time Skip & Izumi's POV-

'Child, behind you.' Terra says, I look back. A woman or girl was standing behind me, she had pale purple hair, and glowing pale green eyes. Shit! "Tet-" I was cutt off when she stabbed me in the shoulder with a knife.

Tetsutetsu POV

"Tet- I hear Izumi say, before falling out of the bush she was hiding in. A woman with pale purple hair steps out by her, I notice Izumi had a wound on her shoulder. Shit, I get up from my spot, and race over to her.

The woman drives what seems like a knife down at her, I cover Izumi with my body, and use my quirk. I can hear the knife snap, "Fuck!" She says. I pick Izumi up, and get away from her. I lean against a tree, and tear a bit off my shirt, and tie it around her wound.

I notice a purple gas start to appear, I start to feel a little drowsy. Shit, again?! I cover my mouth, I bring Izumi closer to me. She leans her head against my chest, almost like she knew to cover her mouth.

Her quirk has something to do with nature, so maybe it let her know. I blush, I look down at her. She had little beads of sweat on her forehead, and she was panting ever so slightly.

This gas is affecting her more than the rest of us, I start to walk through the gas.

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