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Tamaki POV

"Would you guys like too fight Hinode?" Mirio asks, that's just suicide. They nod, really? Just wow, they will lose.

-Time Skip-

Knew it, "Class, as far I know, she is the closest to becoming the number one hero." Aizawa-san says. She probably is, her quirk is very strong. "Wait, what is her quirk?" The pink haired girl asks.

"I think I know, she can control darkness, and enter it." The Sea greennette says, Hina smirks. Oh how I love that smirk, "Your close kid, I can control darkness and light." She says. "Hinode is also the top student of U.A." Skyria-san says.

"Can you show us the light half of your quirk?" Green shrub asks, she shrugs, and takes off her gloves. She tosses them to me, I catch them. She creates light on both hands, "W-Wait?! Your not like Ai-san and Todoroki?" He asks.

"I'm surprised you kids haven't noticed it yet." Skyria-san says, "Hinode's quirk is called Umbrakinesis, it allows her to use both light and darkness." Mirio says. "Tama, gloves." She says, I toss them back to her.

She pulls them back on, "Huh? Why does she have to wear those?" Brunette asks. "Drawback of my quirk, my palms are I think are as hot or close to as hot as the sun." She explains, she accidentally burned a chair down when we were younger.

-Time Skip-

"The dual-haired girl is very smart, she figured out your quirk before anyone else did." Hina says, I think she's taken an interest in her.

-Time Skip-

The shadows form into a person, and takes what ever that guy shot. Ever so familiar fiery hair comes into my line of sight, Hina. She falls forward onto her knees, she grabs her head. "Tama...it's coming..." She says, that beast again? I grab her mask, and give it to her. She puts it back on, she holds her hand at the guy.

Nothing came out, I can feel my blood run cold. They somehow erased her quirk, she tries again. Nothing, I can see her beautiful grey eyes widen. She leans against me, I blush, and look away.

-Time Skip & Kirishima's POV-


Bakugo looks at me, "You have something you want to protect, don't you?" He asks. I wanna protect Mizuka, she's the only one who means everything to me.

-Flashback end


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