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Skyria POV

Kirishima comes running out of the grounds, carrying Haru. I notice she was breathing very slowly, my eyes widen. I tear the mic from Vlad, "This training session is over right now!" I tell the students. Vlad and Shota look at me, "Huh? Why?" They say. I glare at them, I slap Vlad. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!" I yell.

I can feel Shota use his weapon to capture me, "Why are you so mad all of a sudden Ria?" He asks. I back flip in front of him, "Don't you fucking realize the servility of the situation?! One of our students is close to dieing, thanks to vine girl's stupid motherf*cking quirk!" I shout at him.

His eyes widen, the students from the grounds come back to the others. Tsuyu, Kaminari, and Koda are glaring at Shizokai. "Mom, calm down." Kianna says, I look down at my daughter. "How can I calm down, when Haru's close to dieing thanks to Shizokai's quirk?!" I shout at her. She hugs my waste, while glaring at Ibara.

I hug her back, "Sorry I shouted at you." I whisper to her. "It's okay Mom, I know your distressed." She murmurs back, all of mine and Shota's class were glaring at her, some had their quirks activated. "Do you realize what you've done?" Aisuru says, Ibara sinks to the floor, while crying. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know." She says.

Izumi and Shizen, walk over to her. "Even tho I'm slightly mad you almost killed my friend, it's alright, you didn't know." Shizen says, I smile slightly. Kianna let's go of me, I change into my full form, and run to RG's. I see Kirishima pacing outside her door, he notices me. I turn back, "How's she?" I ask.

"I don't know. I really don't want her to die." He says slightly crying, "Don't worry, I don't think she'll die." I say. Recovery Girl comes out of her office, "Luckily, you young man were able to get here quick enough that she wouldn't die, if she was a few minutes late, she would have been gone." She says.

"Can I see her?" Kirishima asks, she looks at me. I nod, "Sure." She says. She let's us in, she was out cold. Kirishima goes over to her, and sits by her. "I'm sorry Mizuka." He says, I notice him set his hand on hers. I smirk, she turns her body to face him. He blushes, me and Recovery Girl look at each other. Young love.


A/n: Fun fact, Skyria swears real bad when she gets angry. She basically turns into Bakugou.

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