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Ryuu POV

I look at Katsuki, "If you wanted my attention, you need to stop being so rude, also you could have just asked." I say. He blushes, and looks away. "But Ryuu-chan, that's who he is." Izuku says, I put my hand on my chin.

"I guess that's true." I say, "SHUT UP RYUU!!" He yells. "Kacchan, Ryuu-chan, can you please keep this a secret?" Izuku asks, Katsuki nods. "Sure, I've known for a long time." I say, Izuku stares at me.

"It's true, both her and Aisuru knew about One For All, and my true form. I can only assume it's because of Aisuru's lineage, they actually told me I should give One For All to you. They said you deserved it, after that incident, I knew what they meant." All Might says.

Izuku looks at me, he was stunned.

-Time Skip & Toshinori's POV-

Ria walks in with her all tangled, and clutching a pillow. "Why am I here again?" She asks, I can see Aizawa blush. Oh come on kiss already! You've been in love since high school!

-Time Skip & Hinode's POV-

I stand by Tama, I miss being that young.

-Time Skip-

I cover my mouth, oh my lord Mirio. He pops back out, I burst out laughing. We start to head back, "It's been awhile since I've seen you laugh." Mirio says.

-Time Skip-

"Come inside." Aizawa-san says, Mirio goes to open the door. "Let's hear firsthand from those with personal experience... how these internships are different from field training. They have made time in their busy schedules to come a talk to you all, so please listen to what they have to say. These four Third-Years rank among the top of all U.A students." I follow Tamaki through the door.

Aisuru POV

Four third year students walk through the door, "They're known as... The Big Four." Aizawa-sensei says. The fourth one is missing.

Hinode POV

Aizawa and Skyria look at the other three, "Where is she?" They ask. All three look at the door, I closed it after I came in. "Again?" Mirio says, "Yes, again." I say. "J-Just come out Hina." Tama says.

I puff my cheeks out, I come out of the shadow realm. I stand by Tama.

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