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Haru POV

I blow some of hair out of the way, okay, this is just plain rude. I gather water around my fist, "TYPHOON PUNCH!!" I yell, and send him flying. I get up, and dust off my suit.

-Time Skip-

I look up, Kiri, wait for me. "Haru! Watch Out!" Kaminari says, the guy passes right through me. "Oh yeah! I completely forgot Haru's quirk allows to basically have a body of water!" Tsu says, I wrap my water arm around him, and bring him to the jail. I go back to the others, "I can handle the other dude, but you guys have to handle Shizokai." I say.

"Why?" Kaminari asks, "Well, Shizokai's quirk is vines, and since vines are plants, and they need water." I say. "Wait...I see where your going..." Tsu says, "Yeah, if Shizokai gets me, she does have the ability to kill me." I say.


Oh, so that's a big weakness. I need to tell Shizokai this, wait what kind of Hero In-Training am I being?

-Time Skip & Kirishima's POV-

Mizuka was sneaking to us after she took out the other person, but a vine caught her. My eyes widen, she looks back at me, fear really clear in her beautiful eyes. I don't think vine girl knows this can kill her, Vine girl comes around the corner. "You did well capturing my teammates." She says.

They start to battle, vines slowly winding around Mizuka's body, slowly killing her. I watch in horror, she screams in obvious pain. I look away, I'm pathetic! The only reason I created my unbreakable form was to protect you, your all I care about.


Mizuka comes running up to me, "Kiri? Are you okay? Your bleeding." She asks. "Quirk." I manage to say, she looks at my wound. She goes to touch it, I feel water drip down my face. What? Mizuka pulls her hand back, the water goes to her. She stares at her hand, I look at her with a smile.

"Wow! Our quirks manifested close to the same time Mizuka!" I say, she smiles. I blush, "Yeah." She says, and grabs my hand. I blush harder, she starts to pull me to where my our moms are. "Come on let's go get you cleaned up!"

-Flashback end

"Kiri, please help..." She says, and looks at me. The light in her eyes was dimming, I activate my Unbreakable form, and break out of the damned cage. I tear the vines off of her, she starts to fall. I catch her, and hold her close to me. I'll never let go of you Mizuka, never. I glare at vine girl, "Your quirk has the ability to kill her!!" I shout at her.

Her eyes widen, "What?" She says. "Her whole body is made up of water, and plants need water!" I say, I need to get to Recovery Girl's quickly. I start to get out of here, hang on Mizuka.

Ibara POV

W-What have I done? The other three of her teammates get here, "We heard a scream! What happened?" They say. Shinsou goes to get their teammate out of the cage, the other two look at me. I'm gonna guess, they put the pieces together. They glare at me, along with the one who was in the cage.

"Do you realize what you have done?!" The blonde yells at me, I look at my hands.

"W-What have I done?"

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