January, 1971

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January 12, 1971


I was worried about the band, honestly, because they had been together for a long while, and it didn't seem like they were going anywhere. I sat at home all day, waiting for Freddie to come back from the studio, and he returned every day on the verge of tears, worried that they weren't going to go anywhere and that it was a mistake not applying for university.

Speaking of, I had been accepted to all of the universities that I did early applications for, and everytime I got a letter, Freddie would breathe down my neck until I could open it, then he'd cry with me when I got accepted- tears of joy, of course. He was so supportive of what I wanted to do with my life, but I kind of wanted to follow him around before going and getting my degree.

"I made you lunch today." Freddie murmured, kissing me on the cheek before going to the fridge and finding two brown bags, one for me, and one for him. "Are you going home any time soon, or should I keep making you lunches? I'm just wondering, because I have to run and grab groceries after school." He missed his parents in those moments, I knew, because it was expensive to live on his own- they sent him money every month, for school and living, but it was so much different than actually having them at home. They told us they'd be home by the end of January, and I was actually more than excited.

"I'll stay until your parents come home, so you aren't alone." I smiled, then I took the bag from him and I kissed him on the lips. "We're going to be late for class, so we should get going." I murmured, frowning a bit at the idea of actually having to go back to school after several weeks off with my love.

We were starting to prepare for exams, meaning that the semester change was coming up in February. We got a week off then, but I was upset because I didn't have any classes with Freddie- in this semester, I saw him bright and early every single day, it made my life a billion times better.

Freddie and I left the flat, then we got into the car- I was the driver, and I was fine with that because he'd hold my hand... and sometimes other things... while I drove. I found it very romantic when hands were being held while driving- although not too terribly safe, it made me feel close to him.

"I'm worried about next semester." Freddie sighed, looking out the window afterwards and tracing a design into the condensation. "I have another maths class, and you won't be there to help me like you are right now- it's just going to be weird having to sit by somebody else." He explained and I nodded, squeezing his hand while keeping my eyes on the road. "I don't want to make new friends, John. I just want to be with you forever and ever." He groaned, looking over at me with a frown, making me giggle a bit. "Let's do that, let's be together forever and ever." He smiled and I felt something grow inside of me- love?

"Did you just propose?" I asked, pulling into the school parking lot, then parking and turning so I could face Freddie. "Freddie Bulsara, you little bastard, did you just propose to me?!" I exclaimed, squeezing his hands with a little squeal.

"Well, there'll probably be something more formal in the future, with a ring and all, but, yes, I think I did just propose to you." Freddie smiled, then he leaned over and he kissed me, gently. "I love you, John Richard Deacon." He whispered, making me blush.

"I love you, too, Farrokh Bomi Bulsara."

January 22, 1971


We were officially into the second semester of the final school year, and it made me more than excited, because we were getting closer to graduating every single day. John was... probably less excited than I was, because he had to think about what school he wanted to go to- he had so many options, but he wasn't sure what he wanted to do, because he wanted to stay with me instead of leaving to another city. I didn't want him to think about me when it came to his schooling, but he was so insistent that he needed to be around me- I just wanted him to have the best chance in life, and I was starting to feel selfish.

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