January, 1979

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I took down Under the Stars, just until this is finished and I have more time to manage it. 

January 17, 1979

Things started to move... quickly after Hudson was born. The band took off at an alarming rate, and suddenly we were touring the world and releasing millions of albums a year. Freddie was overjoyed at the success, but it was hitting him all at once and I was worried that he'd crash and burn- I was trying to help as much as I could, but it was difficult sometimes. I had relapsed into my harmful ways several times between 1975 and 1978, but Freddie had been there every single time, and now it was my turn to be there for him before he harmed himself.

But, in more positive news, the kids were absolutely amazing- they loved traveling with us, but they also loved it when we just got to sit on the sofa at home. Remy and Lennon were thick as thieves, and I thought it was precious. They were both getting so big, and it made me kind of upset because they were supposed to be my babies forever- Lennon was already six, almost seven, and Remy was five, they just felt so big. Hudson had just turned five, and the three of them had their own little gang- they were going to team up against the rest of us nand take over, I just had a feeling.

Freddie had hired us a driver, personal assistant, and a cook, so we barely did anything anymore. Terry was our driver, Peter was our assistant, and Joe was our cook- I felt... lazy, but the kids loved all three of them so we were fine with having them there. We had moved into a much larger house, so Peter, who we called Phoebe, lived with us, as did Joe, while Terry lived at home with his girlfriend- Joe was gay, like us, but he didn't date much. We weren't sure how Peter felt about anyone, he was a private man- he said that being with us meant that he was working, and his home life didn't belong with his work life.

Queen was currently touring in Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain. It was a long, long tour, and I knew that Roger and I missed the kids more than anything- but, luckily for them, Hudson got to stay at our house until we were allowed to go home.

"I want to call the kids." I murmured against Freddie's chest and he hummed while he ran his fingers through my hair. "Lennon went back to school on the eighth, and I want to know how that went for her- and Rem had orientation... we're missing everything." I whined, softly, then he grunted while he pulled the phone over to the bed.

"Call them then." He sighed, wrapping an arm around me while I dialed the number to the house- I hoped that they were still awake, Joe said they had been going to bed early every night.

Freddie looked like he was about to fall asleep, so I didn't bother telling him when the kids picked up with a little "hello" from each of them.

"Hi, babies." I smiled, twirling the phone cord around my index finger. "Who's Daddy talking to right now? I want to know what to talk about." I chuckled, then there was a quiet argument- I couldn't help but smile when I heard them fought, I missed it. "Hey, you two, be nice to each other!" I laughed a bit, then I moved away from Freddie and I laid back.

"I want to talk to you first, Daddy." Lennon spoke and I smiled with a little nod. "Can we talk about school today? I want to tell you about school today."

"Of course, Lennie, tell Daddy how school was." I hummed, then she cleared her throat, like she was about to read a speech to me. "But keep it short and sweet, alright? Daddy would like to talk to Remy today, too."

"Short and sweet." She repeated, quietly, then she cleared her throat again- she always did that now, it was a new little kick of hers. "We got to do centers today, and there was a... a surprise teacher so I gotted to read with her." She explained and I nodded with a hum. "And then we did gym, and Jenny puked." She laughed, making me smile.

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