August, 1973

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Hello, beautiful people! I am one day post-op from my wisdom tooth removal (wisdom teeth because I got all four out) and I just wanted to update and say I feel like a semi ran over my face, which is lovely :) I can't eat anything, my entire face hurts, I feel like I'm dying when I sneeze, and I can barely open my mouth, so I'm having a great time writing chapters and trying to sleep the pain away. Please, please send good thoughts // prayers for recovery because I'm worried that I'll get a dry socket which will require another surgery.

Okay, that's all. Much love, rogersdrumface.

August 7, 1973

"What do you think it's going to be?" I asked, holding Brian's hand a little tighter while we walked to the clinic- Freddie and John were using the car, to take the kids somewhere, so we had to walk. "I'm kind of hoping that it's a boy, really, because we already have a little girl at the house, and I want Remy to see both- just in case they want to present as something when they're older." I explained and the older man nodded while pulling me closer to him, so he could wrap an arm around me.

"I'll be happy with whatever, just as long as they're healthy." He hummed, kissing the top of my head.

"Fuck off, there's no way you don't want one gender more than the other." I frowned, looking up at him with a disgusted look on my face. Brian just laughed and shook his head. "Like, I wouldn't be angry if we had a girl, but I would prefer a son more than a daughter right now." I shrugged and he laughed once more, pulling me closer to him.

"Fine. If I have to pick one, I think I would like to have a son- because I think every father wants a son." He explained and I smiled up at him.

John was hoping that we'd have a boy, then the band would have one of each. He said that it'd be easier for Remy to decide what they wanted to be if they were allowed to see both males and females, if they did want to decide a gender- we were fine with them identifying as 'they' for their entire life.

We walked into the clinic and I got my papers filled out before we were taking to a small, sterile room. I hated being there, it made me nauseous, but I knew that we had to be there for the baby and yadda yadda. Brian sat on the chair in the corner of the room, resting his elbows on his knees, then he looked up at me with a small smile.

"I'm excited." He whispered and I giggled, softly, with a little nod before putting my hand on the top of the small bump. "And nervous, but mostly excited. We... we're having a baby, Roger, and it's actually going to have a gender today- isn't that exciting?" He breathed and I hummed, my heart pounding in my ears while I looked him up and down.

I was nervous to find out what it was, because it would make the baby seem more real than it already was- it just felt like a little lump at that point, but assigning it a gender would make it an official little person. I wasn't sure if I was ready to actually have a kid, but I knew it was too late to turn back at that moment- it was happening whether we liked it or not.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." The doctor smiled after walking into the room. "I heard that this is a pretty special appointment- finding out what the baby is." He clapped his hand together and we both nodded with small smiles.

I was told to lay down, then he grabbed the portable machine and he put the gel on my stomach. I took a deep breath, then I looked over to Brian and he got up, walking over to us and standing next to the bed so he could watch the screen.

The baby came up after a few seconds, and I couldn't help but smile at our little bean- it was getting so big, but it hardly felt like anything yet. The doctor took a few pictures, then he moved the transducer down so he could see what the baby was.

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